Actual Fred


Dang! I was out of the office yesterday, and so I missed my first actual press release from the actual campaign of the alleged presidential candidate Fred Thompson.

He says he’s going to announce his candidacy next Thursday. I’ll believe that when I see it.

As to what such a campaign would mean … you tell me.

But I think it’s interesting to note that the second release his campaign sent me — it came via e-mail today — stresses repeatedly how various observers expect Mr. Thompson to do against Rudy Giuliani. It does so within the context of Rudy being described as "the front-runner," but outside the artificial universe of 24/7 TV news, what does that mean?

Zip. Nada. Big ol’ goose egg.

Word on the street is that Rudy isn’t even contesting the earliest contests — probably including South Carolina, beyond token appearances — and a good thing, too. I can’t see him winning here, however hard he tries. So this "front-runner" business is based on what — national polls? Hello — we don’t have national primaries.

Anyway, the second release doesn’t even mention McCain or Romney. It’s like he’s not running against them at all. It’s like he’s in it to take down Rudy. And what does that mean?

I guess I’ll have to wait until his third press release.

11 thoughts on “Actual Fred

  1. Richard

    This is all a big plan to throw control back over to the OTHER big crime family- the Bushes and Clintons have made a deal to share power. Thompson is just the tool to keep the Republicans from fielding Rudy against Hillary. Fred Thompson is funded by the Washington establishment to derail the Giuliani Campaign and ensure Hillary’s victory.

  2. Ready to Hurl

    Maybe now ABC/Disney will be forced to stop giving him free radio airtime.
    Our crack election watch dogs, the FEC, might get around to slapping him on the wrist for violating election laws years after he’s lost the nomination.

  3. Pres

    Are you serious? Rudy is the frontrunner in SC right now and you think he isn’t going to contest one of the three biggest primaries/caucuses. SC is supposed to lead Rudy into winning Super Tuesday. And “word on the street” is that he isn’t contesting it. Hilarious.

  4. Karen McLeod

    If he’s going to ‘announce’ that he’s running for prez on Fri (or whenever) isn’t that the same as announcing? What is this silliness?? Has he absorbed his L&w persona too literally? And while I would love to think that Guiliani actually had a chance here in SC, I know better than that. And I’m sure Guiliani knows better than that. Come on. Will the sane ones in this race raise their hands? Where are the hands??!!

  5. Karen McLeod

    Have you taken over Pat Paulsen’s job of running for prez? It so, raise your hand quickly and I’ll consider voting for you. You’ve got to be at least as sane as some of the others, and your reluctance to raise your hand first definitely makes you unlikely to be a ‘decider.’

  6. Brad Warthen

    I will run ONLY if nominated by either the UnParty or the Energy Party. Neither has begun it’s nomination process yet, because I haven’t dreamed up how they should work.
    The floor is open for suggestions. So is the ceiling, as are all four walls.

  7. Karen McLeod

    I don’t think we can do nominations until we figure out what the platform is. What ditch are we ready to die in?

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