Cindi on YouTube

ventually, everybody will be on YouTube. I think Andy Warhol said that. Or maybe Marshall McLuhan.

Anyway, whoever said it was right, because here we have a remarkable little bit of video.

You may think there’s nothing remarkable about it — just the usual civic luncheon with folks talking about how to be good citizens — but that’s because you don’t know Cindi Scoppe.

This may be her greatest movie roll ever. Not because she gets a lot of screen time, but because she plays so strongly against type. She manages a convincing portrayal of someone who:

  • Is not antisocial — she seems actually to enjoy being out amongst humans.
  • Has populist tendencies — she comes across as completely sincere when she urges citizens to step up and make their voices heard.
  • Is very ethereal and spiritual — call it special effects if you want, but see how she is bathed from behind in an enveloping halo of heavenly light.

Kidding aside, Cindi’s a good public speaker, whenever you can pry her from her word processor. If you’d like her to speak to your group, just let me know.


6 thoughts on “Cindi on YouTube

  1. Herb Brasher

    This bit is too short to really gain much from, but Ms. Scoppe has written a lot of top-notch stuff lately. I still say we are unusually blessed in SC to have an editorial staff with the likes of Brad, Cindi Scoppe, Robert Ariail, and Warren Bolton. My hat is off to all of you, and I’m not trying to smear honey on your beard (German saying), even though it sounds like it. I’ve lived in lots of places, and never seen anything like this group.

  2. Herb Brasher

    My subscription to the paper is worth it just for the editorial page. And to think of it, I get Dilbert on top of all that!

  3. Herb Brasher

    About 80 years ago there was a well-known theology professor (Johannes Munck) in Germany who used to drool on his beard, and it would drip on the students who were stupid enough to sit in the front row. So maybe that’s what the sticky stuff is. Increased drooling comes with age . . . .

  4. Herb Brasher

    Weldon, apart from living in Lexington, Brad and I are pretty different. I mean what do a beer-loving non-proselytizing Catholic and a tee-totaling proselytizing (at least in theory) Protestant evangelical have in common? But I still like what Brad writes. Most of the time.

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