Anybody having trouble posting?

Time for a technical check-up here: I just got this e-mail from a regular commenter here:

Brad, just fyi … I’ve made 4-5 posts over the past several days, none of
which have appeared. No biggie, just wanted to let you know in case there is
a system problem.

Gordon Hirsch

That’s bad news, because I haven’t seen a single one of those posts. Knowing Gordon, if I’d seen them, I would have approved them. In fact, except for repeated comments from people who don’t know that (thanks to the folks to like to spoil it for the rest of us) comments don’t post without approval, I think I’ve approved everything that’s come through over the last few days.

Has anyone else tried to post a comment, and it hasn’t posted by the next day (actually, the wait should be much shorter than that, but I use this standard as a catchall)?

If so, please e-mail me about it here, and I’ll bug the techies.

5 thoughts on “Anybody having trouble posting?

  1. Brad Warthen

    Looks like it’s working now.
    Gordon notes that THIS time, he got one of those prompts demanding a code be entered before it would post. I’ve been getting those the last few days, too, off and on. It’s just a Typepad thing. Every once in a while, they turn that feature on, then it goes away for a few months, then comes back.
    The idea is to stop spammers. But why it comes and goes, I can’t tell you. I know it’s a hassle, and I regret it.

  2. Brad Warthen

    Gordon’s having trouble again. Is anyone else? He wrote to say…

    After the 123 test, I posted a comment to "More Ron Paul mania." Browser was
    still open from the test. It didn’t prompt me for the code again, but the
    post hasn’t showed up either. … Hope that’s because you haven’t had time
    to review.

    My response…

    Uh-oh. I haven’t see it. Last thing I saw was this:

        When I was young, libertarian concepts seemed righteous. The idea that "the only legitimate function of government is to protect its citizenry against the aggressive acts of others" was pure. True liberty.

    As I got older, I learned that there’s a lot more to life (and government) than liberty. Libertarians serve a valuable purpose, but they don’t have viable solutions to the tough questions. Real world extension of libertarian thought breaks down in practice. It’s an ideal, not a solution.

    We’re still the freest nation on earth. And we still have the right and power to correct abuse in government. … The pendulum swings left to right as times change. The effects of one president are negated by the next.

    And so the sky is always falling, but it never quite does. The wheels turn slowly, and people suffer as a result, but our government works.

    That was on "Hey, Ron Paul libertarians…"

  3. Gordon Hirsch

    Here’s another post that never appeared regarding the Bar Exam fiasco, which still seems strangely relevant. …
    The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.
    ~Frank Zappa

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