George Harrison lives


Apparently, Elvis isn’t the only legendary rocker who is still with years after his reported death. In catching up on papers I missed while out of town, I find this story.

It may be true that "All Things Must Pass," but doesn’t
Carlton "Baseline Jesus" Thompson look an awful lot like someone else we once knew, circa 1971?

4 thoughts on “George Harrison lives

  1. weldon VII

    After checking YouTube footage of Harrison at the Concert for Bangladesh, I have confirmed that Harrison also had long hair, a mustache and a beard.
    But his features were finer
    Than the guy for Carolina,
    I am moaning.
    Making me try to see Harrison in a Gamecock sweatshirt is practically sacrilege, Brad.

  2. bill

    He’d make a good replacement for Dave Odom.He could scare opponents into submission.
    I’m looking forward to Martin Scorsese’s documentary on Harrison.

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