About Brad Warthen’s Blog

For three years, I’ve been unable to get that "About Brad Warthen’s Blog" link in the upper left-hand corner to work. The folks at TypePad have been no help.

This is an attempt to force the thing to work by turning it into a link to this post. Here’s what I want to say about my blog:

This blog is about civil discourse
on an infinite array of topics, but we will return, like a compass
needle toward magnetic North, to South Carolina politics. It is my
fervent wish that we engage our political questions with open minds and
an eye to what works, without cant and party lines. There are rules, but I’m fairly cool about them as long as folks behave reasonably toward one another.

Ditto with national politics, which over the next few months has
played an exaggerated role here, since South Carolina has filled a
prominent role in choosing the next POTUS.

You will see certain themes here — the rejection of political
factions (especially the Democratic and Republican parties), sometimes
through the medium of the UnParty; a somewhat more focused alternative called the Energy Party; advocacy of changing our forms of government on the state and local levels; the rejection of radical individualism; an unhealthy interest in popular culture, by which I am alternately attracted and repelled.

Another purpose — and perhaps the central purpose — is to provide
a window into my own thinking, which is but one perspective on the
newspaper’s editorial board. When I became EPE in 1997, I mandated that
henceforth, editorial writers would produce a weekly column,
so that readers could see the personalities, interests and attitudes
that shape our official editorial positions. This blog is an attempt to
go beyond what the columns are able to do.

Who am I?
I’m the Catholic, communitarian-leaning, 54-year-old editor of the editorial page of The State, South Carolina’s largest newspaper; I am a husband, the father of five and grandfather of three.

10 thoughts on “About Brad Warthen’s Blog

  1. Michael Rodgers

    Try this: Make a new page.
    “You could just create a Page with” whatever you want, such as your blog description and “add a link to it in your blog’s sidebar….”

  2. Brad Warthen

    Yeah, I tried that, and I couldn’t get it to link to THAT, so I thought I’d try doing it with a post. No dice.
    There’s some kind of weird coding around the thing that I can’t figure out.

  3. penultimo mcfarland

    What if God was one of us?
    Just a slob like one of us.
    Just a stranger on the bus
    Trying to make his way home.
    My apologies to Eric Bazilian, who wrote “One of Us” and to Joan Osborne, who made it one of us, but dearest donut, Mr. Warthen, that 21-year-old picture staring at us with no discernible expression is driving me crazy.
    If you leave it up there much longer, your hit count will drop faster than The State’s subscription numbers are dwindling.
    Don’t you have a candid shot of yourself somewhere? Or how about a caricature from Mr. Ariail? Or even a photo of a monkey scratching its head?

  4. slugger

    This is how I go to your blog.
    I typed in Goodle and then Brad Warthen’s Blog. Then I put your blog into my favorites and now I can go directly to your blog without going through The State.

  5. Brad Warthen

    And penultimo… at the risk of sounding like John Winger, the one thing to be said for my current picture is that chicks seem to dig it. At least, that’s what they say in e-mails. They’re probably just to shy to say it in public…

  6. Susanna K.

    Purely from a HTML point of view, the link’s not working because it’s not there. There’s a title (About Brad Warthen’s Blog) and a partial link inside the title tags(about.html”>).
    Not sure which version of Type Pad you’re using, but if you want to fix it manually, cut and paste the following inside of the

    tags surrounding the link text:
    About Brad Warthen’s Blog

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