Wouldn’t World Population Day be a lot more fun without all these darned PEOPLE?

Just moments ago I received this release from an outfit called "Population Media Center," regarding something called "World Population Day." An excerpt:

    Today as we commemorate World Population Day, Population Media Center and Population Institute pledge their commitment to help bring population numbers into balance with natural resources, so humanity can live in harmony with the earth….

Whenever I hear from folks who are terribly worried about World Population, folks who don’t like "growing population" any more than Mark Sanford likes "growing government," I get more than a little creeped out.

That’s because I can’t escape this suspicion — I’ve had it all my life — that, like Soylent Green, "population" is… people! And the only way to reduce it is to get rid of the, well, people. What do we do when the Whitetail deer population gets out of control? We go shoot ’em — lots of em.

And when we’re talking people, I have a little trouble getting on board with that. Unless, of course, Big Brother is for it, in which case I think it’s just peachy.

17 thoughts on “Wouldn’t World Population Day be a lot more fun without all these darned PEOPLE?

  1. Karen McLeod

    You want to reduce the population? Just shoot every other one.
    Seriously, though, the problem with reducing population is that you then lack the people to support the infrastructure, which makes things worse, not better. That’s one of the reasons why it’s in our best interest to ensure that the children of any immigrant who’s going to stay here get the best we can afford in the way of health care and education. We (WASP’s) are not providing enough of the little ones coming along, and they are the ones who will keep the economy from tanking completely.

  2. Lee Muller

    As long as you encourage overpopulation by uncontrolled, illegal immigration and breeding by those with the least job skills, you will perpetuate poverty.
    Some Christians have the misguided notion that moral retraint of pregnancy is “unnatural”, as if humans are are just animals when it comes to procreative behaviors.
    As with all social and biological problems, it would have been much easier to have controlled immigration in 1970 and let the population stabilize at 160,000,000 than to now try to remove 30,000,000 illegal aliens and let 110,000,000 people die off. But only then can we move forward with raising the education, morality, productivity and wealth of everyone.
    Some misguided liberals have the notion that it is wrong to criticize any behavior that is “private”, especially if it is white people criticizing behavior of non-whites. It is as if they expect non-whites to behave as animals, which is quite racist.

  3. just saying

    Lee, I can’t believe people think you’re racist just because your first reaction to a post saying white’s don’t reproduce enough is to equate minorities with irresponsibility, immorality, and illegal immigration, and then get all defensive about it. It really is a mystery.

  4. Herb Brasher

    . . . and let 110,000,000 people die off. But only then can we move forward with raising the education, morality, productivity and wealth of everyone.

    Just saying, can you not read? What’s a mystery about a person who implies that we really need to get rid of 110 million people? What you could at least have done is to ask how he intends to accomplish that?
    I can think of a number of blogs where such comments would be quickly and unceremoniously deleted, especially in view of the source.
    I’m all for a joke, but sometimes I think we tolerate a bit too much.

  5. Herb Brasher

    Uh oh, sorry, Just Saying. I really shouldn’t get in such a hurry–I usually can read Brad’s irony, but I missed yours. My apologies, and well said. Sorry to have missed the obvious.

  6. Uncle Elmer

    Herb, I am sympathetic with your irritation. However, Lee’s participation on Brad’s blog is good because
    a) he could be off doing much more destructive things than piddling on a blog, and b) he often reminds me (with a smile) of some of the great know-it-all characters on late night TV, like:
    Cliff Clavin
    Sgt. Dietrich
    Zapp Brannigan
    Frasier Crane
    Dale Gribble
    He also has some Ebenezer Scrooge moments, as evidenced by the current reference to the surplus population. That’s OK too, there are worse things than being reminded of Dickens.
    Coming up with a list of the great know it alls of the small screen would be a great subject for a post.

  7. Lee Muller

    As I said, lots of folks are too intimidated to discuss these social problems for various religious and racial prejudices they harbor. Some of them resort to attacking those of us who bring up the uncomfortable reality that the current state of affairs is the result of those very religious and racist attitudes which led them to stand idly by and do nothing.
    If it is left to liberals, they will do nothing, or hand out billions more money to attract more illegal aliens, encourage more illegitimate births, and maintain millions of people in a state of perpetual poverty.
    It is a fact that we have 30,000,000 illegal aliens here, creating all sorts of unemployment, health, crime, pollution and other social problems. The obvious solution is to undo it via deportation.
    It is a fact, according to professional demographers, that all the population increase since 1970 is due to immigration, most of it illegal, and the high birth rates of immigrants and illegal aliens.
    It is a fact that most of these immigrants, illegal aliens, and their children are of the lowest education, literacy, and job skills. The lower the averages in every measure of social progress. They are a liability to any advanced country, not an asset. Most of them are not bad people; they are just not the first choice of immigrants that a rational immigrant policy would seek.
    It is a fact that 110,000,000 will die in a few decades. The issue now, is how to obtain a negative birth rate large enough to not replace them, in order to reduce the population to a more optimum size.
    It is a fact that liberalism and misguided Christian pseudo-charity have created a huge population of low-skilled, uneducated people who account for 95% of America’s social problems. It is unlikely that these same people who created this mess will admit their errors, much less come up with any ideas to remediate the damage.

  8. Herb Brasher

    Uncle Elmer,
    Always nice to read your comments; it’s been awhile.
    I’m afraid that none of the folks you mention are familiar to me–I don’t know if that’s because I was 28 years out of the country, or hidden in theological training (which as you know can be pretty much a bubble of its own), or just plain too early to bed.
    Thanks for reminding me of an obvious truth: we can always learn something from nearly everybody, and that includes negative examples most of all.

  9. Lee Muller

    If socialists and liberals are learning anything, we can’t tell until they admit they were wrong, apologize and offer ideas to undo their damage.

  10. ruintuit

    If I’m not reading this wrong, the population control is talking about the population of the entire world..not just the USA. If you could wave a magic wand and send however many out of the USA, they are still occupying the planet. The thing is, Mother Nature will eventually take care of world over-population without an “organization” having to do a thing. Who knows how she will do it..it may come in the form of a super volcano eruption (Yellowstone will quickly do in North America when (not if) it erupts), asteroid collision, pandemic, or some other natural disaster. If it’s not a natural disaster, then starvation will eventually take many of us out. (Starvation rates are already increasing and spreading in other countries thanks to farmers growing government-subsidized crops earmarked to create fuel rather than food.) In other words..why an organization? And as Brad points out..just how do they plan to accomplish this?

  11. Lee Muller

    America cannot solve the problems of excessive birth rates in the rest of the world, and certainly not by accepting billions of unskilled poor as immigrants.
    America can solve a huge portion of its problems by deporting the 30,000,000 illegal aliens and sealing the borders until it reforms immigration.
    America can reduce its population through natural attrition and policies to discourage excessive procreation, without having any effect on any other country, because those measures would be entirely internal.

  12. Steven Earl Salmony

    Dear Friends,
    On World Population Day in 2008, could now be the time to acknowledge the threat to the family of humanity that could soon be posed by the current huge scale and anticipated growth of the human population on Earth?
    Somehow, sooner rather than later, we have simply got to find reasonable and sensible ways to communicate openly with one another about real global challenges that are ominously looming before humanity, visible even now on the far horizon. These issues are supremely significant to human and environmental health as well as to life as we know it and the integrity of Earth, even in these early years of Century XXI. Our silence wastes precious time. Time appears to be something that we cannot afford to continue frittering away much longer while the human species unintentionally ravages the Earth.
    Many too many so-called and self-proclaimed people with ‘expertise’ assure us that we simply need to do nothing except that which we are doing now; that we must “stay the course” of unbridled economic growth, increasingly conspicuous per-capita resource overconsumption and unregulated propagation of absolute global human population numbers.
    Are people going to stand up, speak out loudly and clearly, to say that the “same ol’ business as usual” course of action may be nothing more or less than a “primrose path” to the future, at the end of which could be the inadvertent loss of life as we know it and an unintended ecological wreckage, the likes of which only the King of kings, Ozymandias has seen.
    The idea that silence is regularly triumphant in moments like this one is anathema to me. People with clear vision, intellectual honesty, coherent minds and good scientific evidence have got speak up and, in so doing, overcome the silence.
    Perhaps silence presents itself to the human community as the greatest of all dangers: a threat greater than 9.2 billion unrestained human consumers on Earth in 2050; greater still than environs being relentlessly polluted by the unrestricted expansion of large-scale industrialization activities; even greater than the reckless dissipation of Earth’s finite resources and the irreversible loss of biodiversity worldwide. Silence is not only deafening; it is also destructive of everything we are intending to do well.
    If now is not the right time for open acknowledgement, then when will that time come? What possible value can be derived from more denial and delay? Who or what can we possibly be awaiting?
    Human-induced global challenges loom before us here and now, I suppose. Then again, perhaps I am mistaken.
    Steven Earl Salmony
    AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population, established 2001

  13. Jovan

    Overpopulation is a worldwide epidemic. Wasn’t there a LTE in the autumn that talked about limiting the number of births is the best way to save energy?
    I’ve never seen ZPG, but I have heard about the movie here.

  14. slugger

    Too much Viagra. A doctor friend of mine tells me that just about every male patient wants Viagra. So if you take the Viagra you know what might happen. Overpopulation. Now you know.

  15. Karen McLeod

    Steve, We’ve been warned about overpopulation over and over since Malthus first made his predictions if not before. The fact that those equations did not take better farming and other advances into account didn’t change the outcome; it just prolonged it. But observation suggests to me that it’s hard wired into humans to produce more children when their situation is most precarious. Its not the comparatively rich western European nations or even the richer groups in each nation who produce the most children; it’s the poorest ones. Embattled Africa and the impoverished areas of India seem to have the highest birth rates, even though many of those infants die. Until we can find a way to solve that problem, I don’t think we’re going to solve the population problem (except by Malthusian catastrophe).

  16. Lee Muller

    Overpopulation has taken place, with mass starvation or plagues and depopulation, hundreds of times in history. Currently the natural biological corrections to man’s lack of self control are depopulating large areas of Africa and Asia.
    It will get worse before it gets better. Efforts by the industrial nations to reduced starvation deaths in the undeveloped countries will only increase population until the point that major plagues can be easily transmitted, killing off millions and billions of people.
    The relatively small populations of educated, productive, civilized people certainly cannot absorb very many of the the world’s poor as immigrants, legal or illegal, without destroying their own cultures and wealth which are sustaining much of the world.
    That is one reason it is vital tha the USA and Western Europe take control of their borders, language and culture before they are overwhelmed and their boats sunk.

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