Here it is not even Labor Day, and the "McCain as a third Bush term" idiocy has already gotten really, really old — even older than McCain himself (drum crash, please). It was a bankrupt notion from the beginning, since anyone who has ever paid the slightest attention knows that McCain is, within the Republican party, the closest you can possibly get to an ANTI-Bush. The point, to the extent that there is a point, in the McBush nonsense is that Republicans are all alike, and all bad. Typical partisan foolishness.
Here’s a break from all that — equally silly, but at least it’s a break. It’s a piece on the Root headlined, "What Camp Obama Has in Common With the Bushies." An excerpt:
Allow me to apologize up-front for not drinking the Obama-aid. I like the reed-thin, caramel-colored, left-handed-jump-shot-having senator from Illinois and will probably vote for him, especially given the alternative. But I have had it with the Obama minions who decry any criticism, even policy-based, of him or his campaign. I don’t buy that "anything off-message is giving aid and comfort to the enemy" tactic.
I have had a sneaking suspicion for months that the Obama campaign has been operating much like the Bush White House when it comes to dealing with criticism and protecting their man: Circle the wagons and cast any disparagement as treason. Unlike Bush, Obama rarely does the finger-wagging himself. His supporters do his bidding, so he can play it cool. But every once in a while The Cool One lets loose….
So enjoy the break. Then, I’m quite sure, we’ll all be dragged back to the other foolishness…
Viral this. Now!
Post this address everywhere!
Make Obama human to independants. A great and humanizing introduction to Obama.
This is needed to help inoculate him from the coming onslaught of October swiftboaters. So make it viral, and post it everywhere.
Brad’s stubborness about McCain is entertainment that goes beyond anything offered by the Olympics. So McCain is different from Bush, Jr? Really. Frankly the two men are becoming like clones when it comes to issues. Both want to give huge tax cuts to the wealthy. Both insist on an endless occupation of Iraq. Both shun meaningful healthcare changes. Both want to drill, drill, drill as the only way to address energy policy. Yup, Bush III just about sums up what we’d get with McCain as POTUS.
Obama has hidden from every world crisis of the week. He has no answer. His handlers have no scripts.
When the undecided voters see shrill Michele Obama schreeching for partial birth abortion, more taxes on small businesses, and denigrating our troops, they will run to vote against her and her hubby.
Obama is like Bobby Kennedy with less experience, less intelligence and less guile.
Well, less hair, anyway.
… and less teeth.
Fewer teeth.