Speaking of Nikki reminds me of her fellow Lexington County rebel Nathan Ballentine, and the nice thing he sent to me when I got laid off.
I should mention, of course, that Nikki was quite kind and thoughtful to me as well — in fact, both Nikkis were. Rep. Haley and Sen. Setzler both called me and said the nicest things (along with a lot of other politicos I’ve written about over the years, ranging from Lindsey Graham on the federal level to former Columbia city councilwoman Ann Sinclair, and lots of nice folks in between — including the gov).
Anyway, my point is to share what Nathan sent me. He e-mailed me to say I should consult Jeremiah 29:11. Which I did:
For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope.
Just the right words, the ones I needed to hear. In this context I also love to read Matthew 7:7-11. (Look it up.) But I already knew that one. Nathan pointed me to a source of inspiration I had missed, and for that I am very grateful. I bookmarked it on my Blackberry, and take heart from it each day.
It would be nice if all of us would take heart from Matthew 7. It would probably change some of the conversation here, or at least the tone of it. Another good passage to chew on is Matthew 12:35-37 . Or it is even better in this paraphrase.
Mr. Brasher, that was great. They need to start every segment on every cable news channel with that verse.
Layoffs are happening everywhere in the newspaper business. I won’t be hearing Mark Carreau from the Houston Chronicle ask any questions during the upcoming Space Shuttle mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope. He was laid off late March, after the Space Shuttle returned from an International Space Station assembly mission.