Peach Festival: Politicians and fringe types (oops, was that redundant?)

Someone wondered the other day whether my having a job would cut into my blogging. Well, maybe at some point. For instance, I was busy all last week and couldn’t get to the Virtual Front Page late in the day. But folks, I’ve been at ADCO since February. Have you noticed me slacking off here?

Actually, the partners at ADCO dig the blog. In fact, I sometimes have to suggest that they stop sending me cool stuff for the blog so I can get some Mad Man work done. Some days, this falls on deaf ears.

Such as today. Today, Partner and VP of Marketing Lora Prill demonstrated that she is apparently a frustrated reporter. She had told me that she and her husband were taking their little boy to the Peach Festival parade today, and that if she saw anything interesting, she’d send me a picture. Cool.

Well, today, she sent me SEVEN e-mails and SIX pictures. Here are some of them.

The picture of Nikki above was taken “seconds after being heckled by the Oathkeepers. Ā They are yelling at everyone–even the band and clowns–spoiling the fun for everyone in the vicinity.” Except Alan Wilson, whom they apparently liked, for whatever reason. Apparently, Oathkeepers is a bunch of guys in uniform — which is slightly disturbing — who have taken it upon themselves to protect the Constitution as they read it. Yeah, one of those groups. Because, you know, the Constitution is under siege and all. Interestingly, if you read their concerns, they’re a mishmash of threats that liberals perceive to the Constitution (Patriot Act stuff) and ones that concern the extreme right. What a bunch of worrywarts.

And they weren’t really yelling AT the candidates so much as they were yelling. When I asked why they were pestering Nikki, she amended her earlier bulletin (an editor has to really cross-examine a reporter to get the straight dope — oh, the burdens we bear!):

They were not really heckling anyone, they were just yelling out things about protecting the Constitution, something about the FDA, something about some sort of digital ID (they shouted that at Joe’s group), etc. They yelled out a lot about the FDA and food actually. Ā When Alan Wilson went by they lauded him as a protector of the Constitution. Probably referring to his military service.

Maybe they were hungry, and that’s what got them on food. I don’t know.

Anyway, that’s our report from the Peach Festival.

10 thoughts on “Peach Festival: Politicians and fringe types (oops, was that redundant?)

  1. Lynn

    Sharron Angle, Harry Reid’s opponent in Nevada, is associated with (although as far as I know not a member of) the Oath Keepers. Like Angle, they approve of being prepared to defend themselves from tyranny using “Second Amendment remedies.” They seem to be to the right of the Tea Party in their certainty that we are about to be subjected to absolute tyranny. At least at the moment they are sticking to First Amendment remedies.

  2. sorenkay

    This post with that picture of her waving has reminded me to email a guy who made a weird comment a few weeks ago…

    “PS An alert lady friend asks: Why do we never see pictures of Nikki Haley without a loose Jacket?”

    It’s because she is rather skinny… and maybe partly because it’s easier than sunblock… it isn’t because she has a tattoo or is hiding a heroin habit…

    Now more relevant to your post about Politicians and “fringe types”… check out this picture…

    Kelly Payne, Miss Teen South Carolina, and the John Birch Society parade float

  3. Ralph Hightower

    This past Friday, I was at the parade on Main for the USC Baseball team. There was this really cool 60’s Mustang convertible. The only thing bad about it, was that someone had vandalized the Mustang and slapped a huge fender sized sign for Congressman Joe Wilson on it. I took pictures of the Mustang, but I had to wait for the crowd or a tree to block the sign.

  4. Lynn

    Note: Nikki on a luxury truck and Vince’s real (10+ years old) F150 pick-up truck. Sort of says it all doesn’t it.

    Also, glad to see Alan Wilson understands a woman’s place is pushing the baby buggy. Yep, it is Lexington County.

  5. Kathryn Fenner

    @sorenkay–what is it about attractive women and Right Wing politics? The John Birch Society? Where’s Carrie Prejean to round out the picture?

  6. Ralph Hightower

    Nikki Haley drives a Cadillac SUV with the skill and grace of Andre Bauer, zipping in and out of traffic, flashing her turn signal only briefly after she’s made her move. She darted in front of me at 378 & Corley Mill Rd in her Cadillac SUV with legislator tags.

    Nikki Haley, darling of the Tea Baggers, driving a GM vehicle when she’s critized the government bailout of GM? Yes, it’s true.

  7. Doug Ross

    Haley’s victory is pretty much assured if the best the Democrats can come up with is that she drives a GM car…

  8. Kathryn Fenner

    It’s hardly the best we can come up with–how about her “consulting fees” and legislative emails….

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