What Vincent Sheheen’s been up to lately

Up until a couple of weeks back when he finally came out swinging on Nikki Haley’s painfully obvious hypocrisy on transparency (not to mention her inability and/or refusal to pay her taxes on time — and this from the candidate who wants to run the state the way she runs her business), I was getting worried because I wasn’t hearing anything from Vincent Sheheen.

Yeah, I knew he was busy with a reorganization, and rebuilding from a primary to a general campaign, and quite likely fund-raising (something he needs to do a LOT of, considering all the free national media Nikki gets). But still, the precious days were passing, and given how critically important it is that our state not be subjected to another four years like the past eight, and how hard a Democrat would have to work to change the electoral math, I was worried.

I feel better now that I’m seeing a lot more life out of his campaign, although I’m still not feeling as good about it as I’d like. He really, really needs to be doing something extraordinary to overcome the inertia that causes the SC electorate to remain in a state of stagnation.

Anyway, in light of all that, I was glad to get this form e-mail today from his campaign manager:

We wanted to bring you an update of all the wonderful things that your campaign has been doing the past couple weeks in our mission to transform South Carolina!

Almost every day, Vincent has hit the road taking his message of hard work and hope to our citizens.  From the Upstate to the Lowcountry, Vincent has been meeting with businesspeople, educators, the young, the old and just plain folks talking about his vision for South Carolina.

During the last two weeks, Vincent visited healthcare professionals from all over South Carolina to share his plans to grow opportunities for our workers in health care.  Nurses, medical technicians and physicians represent growing opportunities for our workforce.With our medical universities, technical colleges, dental school and growing population, South Carolina has the potential to grow its health care economy exponentially. Our state should be a destination for Americans looking for the best medical care.

Recently, Vincent visited the SC State Ports Authority in Charleston. Vincent has called on political leaders from both parties to join forces to ensure funding to deepen the Charleston Harbor to remain competitive with North Carolina and Georgia. As governor, Vincent will focus on increasing our ports’ volume to attract business and jobs to our state.

Vincent has also met with local builders and green energy advocates to discuss the continued opportunities our state has to jump start the housing market and grow new industries in the state. We can create jobs in South Carolina while reducing our energy costs and improving our vitally-important conservation efforts.

The message we hear loud and clear from all parts of South Carolina is the same – South Carolinians are ready once again for a leader we can be proud of! A governor who will be focused on job creation for all of South Carolina. We can do it!

Thanks for your continued support,


Trav Robertson
Sheheen for Governor

Of course, what an update like that implies is that the campaign itself is realizing that people have been wondering what Vincent’s been up to. And if they are realizing that, good — as long as they keep working harder to do something positive about it.

12 thoughts on “What Vincent Sheheen’s been up to lately

  1. Brad

    Have any of y’all seen what some of the Sanfordistas have been trying to make something of today? As one put it, “trial lawyer Vincent Sheheen set to profit from conflict of interest.”

    They cite this story in The State today.

    Boy, they’re gonna have to splain that one to me. I’m not following. So it’s BAD that he sued payday lenders for exploiting the poor in SC? Or it’s bad that he won? Or it’s bad that he’s been perfectly aboveboard about it, unlike Nikki who sorta kinda forgets to tell us when businesses pay her for her influence as a lawmaker, no bones about it?

    I’m not following…

  2. j

    I heard him speak last night at a meet & greet and was impressed with his manner and spirit. Much more polished and enthusiastic than before the primary election. He’s shaped some great lines relative to “Miss” Transparency and her platform. Think the payday lender news release from the Repubs and their effort to cast him and his win in a negative light will not get far. I can’t believe that Haley wants to put sales tax back on food. “..she really believes that s…”

  3. Doug Ross

    The lawyers get a million bucks and the people who were actually gypped by the payday lenders get $100.

    Will Sheheen tell us how much his firm gets, how much he gets, and how many hours he worked to get the “payday”? That would be transparency.

  4. Steve

    Think Sheheen will post photos of his fancy fundraiser at Oak Steakhouse in Charleston on his website or on Facebook? Nah, he’ll probably just stick to the aw-shucks photos of him at parades and staged family photos that look they came straight from http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/

  5. miller

    Good for Vincent Sheheen for going after those sleazy payday lenders. They prey on the poor and are all but illegal in North Carolina. — Now, if Sheheen could only clean up his own act by discontinuing his practice of representing clients before the state Workers Compensation Commission. State legislator-lawyers ought not cash in on the public trust by representing clients seeking rulings or permits or contracts or favors from state agencies.

  6. tjc27

    @Miller… Isn’t Nikki Haley essentially a paid lobbyist for the Lexington Medical Center? Its the unspoken issue with almost all legislators. They are paid 12,500. a year. Do we seriously think most of them are fabulously compensated by their employers for real work?

  7. bud

    I’m surprised the grocery tax hasn’t caused more of an uproar. Imagine, a Republican supporting a tax increase that basically affects lower income folks. The rich spend a tiny fraction of their income on groceries purchased at Bi-Lo or Publix. They tend to eat out more, something unaffected by the change. Plus, they don’t spend a proportionately greater amount on groceries based on income. A millionare probably spends about the same at the grocery store as a guy making $30k/year.

    What this does is expose the myth that Republicans are opposed to tax increases in general. What they REALLY are opposed to is tax increases that affect mostly the wealthy.

  8. Kathryn Fenner

    Ah, bud, they’re saying it’s not a tax increase on the poor b/c the poor use food stamps which aren’t taxed.
    So much for those self-reliant low income suckers who are just scraping by, though!

  9. Brad

    Actually, if you want to get your Democratic backs up over a class warfare issue, think a little more about WHY it offends some Republicans so much that there are legislators practice workers comp law. Basically, near as I can figure, their objection is that these guys’ being lawmakers gives workers seeking compensation an unfair edge.

    In other words, it bugs them that in this one area, ordinary workers in this Right to Work state may have an advantage, or may at some point obtain an advantage. And apparently this offends them.

    I say this as a guy who has no great love for unions and thinks it’s a good thing that we’re a right-to-work state. But there’s no denying that SC has an extraordinarily bad history when it comes to exploiting labor. We fought a war for the “right” to do so. And slavery, while it looms over all in our history, is but one example.

    For instance, we at St. Peter’s Catholic Church have another example before us at all times. Our church was founded in 1821 to minister to the exploited Irish laborers brought in to build the Columbia Canal. Why, in a state that had more slaves than free people, did the powers that be deem it necessary to bring over Irish laborers to do that back-breaking work? Because it was CHEAPER than using slaves. Yes, the Irish workers were paid so little that their wages and the cost of bringing them over was less than the cost of feeding slaves doing the same work.

    That’s our history in SC. We have a lot to live down. So it is indeed offensive that some people are offended at the idea that workers MIGHT get an advantage from having advocates in the Legislature.


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