… which means I would never leave there

I don’t think of myself as a particularly materialistic person, or a sensualist per se (except within certain parameters). And I am most definitely, certainly not a foodie. Personally, I find foodism… off-putting.

But there are two things that I look forward to every day, and that are hard for me to forgo — coffee in the morning (and sometimes in the afternoon), and beer at night.

And now Kathryn brings my attention to this:

Starbucks Explores Possibility Of Selling Beer & Wine

Hey, you can have the wine. And I’d rather that the cheese not be in the same building. But the best coffee in the world, followed by beer? I would never want to leave.

3 thoughts on “… which means I would never leave there

  1. Phillip

    In Italy, you go to the local bar/cafe to get your morning espresso, and those places serve not only beer & wine, too, but other alcohol in general. This just seems plain ol’ civilized to me, and I wish more places in the US would do it. (Such as this wonderful spot in Steamboat Springs, and see how lovely that picture looks):

    Anyway, how else can you get you get a caffe corretto (where the coffee is as important as the “corretto” part)?

  2. Karen McLeod

    Spain also has a one shop sells all approach to coffee, beer, and wine (does that mean one can get cafe diable easily?–didn’t ask while I was there). They also had food for a weary pilgrim.

  3. Nick Nielsen

    Much as I would love that, it won’t happen in the south, with the possible exceptions of Atlanta and Charlotte.

    After all, alcohol isn’t “family friendly.”


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