Your Virtual Front Page, Friday, March 1, 2013

Space X

It’s not much of a news day, but we haven’t had one of these this week, so here goes:

  1. No sign of deal in efforts to avert sequester (WashPost) — Is anyone out there following this with bated breath?
  2. SpaceX Makes Another Launch  (WSJ) — And the commercial space age picks up momentum.
  3. Top al-Qaeda leader ‘killed in Mali’ (BBC) — The way the Beeb uses quotation marks — in its zeal to believe no one, and attribute everything — makes for some odd headlines. Makes it look like the phrase “killed in Mali” is an expression meaning something else. Like “Dude, last night I was totally killed in Mali, so I went to bed early…”
  4. Bullet Run Leaves Many Low on Ammo (WSJ) — Gun lovers fearful of new laws that don’t actually seem to be forthcoming. But American gun lovers tend to be worrywarts.
  5. Woman found burning in woods was pregnant, shot ( — Not the sort of thing that normally makes my front, but this is so horrific…
  6. Clyburn says Voting Rights Act under threat ( — I keep meaning to post something about this issue. I guess putting this on my front is as good a way to get a thread rolling as any, should y’all want to discuss it.

10 thoughts on “Your Virtual Front Page, Friday, March 1, 2013

  1. Kathryn Fenner

    Apparently pregnancy is a very risky time for women in abusive relationships. Horrible!

  2. Mark Stewart

    As to number 4, I am pretty sure that none of these people are actually “low on ammo.”

    Hysterical maybe.

    1. Bryan Caskey

      Could you try and be a little more condescending, future law-breaker Mark?

      It’s actually really hard to find ammo these days. See if you can find me some 45 ACP FMJ ammo in the Columbia metro area.

    2. Steven Davis II

      It’s only low for those who didn’t prepare ahead of time. Others are sitting on a literal Fort Knox.

      “worrywarts” and “hysterical”… compared to those people who hear the word gun and literally break out into a cold sweat and start to have panic attacks? That every bullet they see is going to kill someone. Some here are getting uncomfortable just reading my comments.

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      I was gonna say something about that, but then Obama murmured, “That’s not the headline you’re looking for… move along…”

      And I moved along…

  3. tim o'keefe

    As we look back at our history there are plenty of things we should be ashamed of. Slavery, the violent conquest of the Native Americans (which most of the rest of the world thinks of as genocide), segregation. This sequester business is nothing like those… But here we are watching our government do nothing about an event so humiliating and that history will record as total foolishness. We are in the process of making history for ourselves that in years to come we will be ashamed of. It’s like living in The Twilight Zone or something.

  4. Scout

    I kind of am waiting with bated breath to see if mine is one of the 100 special ed positions that reportedly will have to go or if any of the kids I serve at Headstart will be some of the 900 who will lose their spot. I have no idea how they will prioritize the cuts.

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