Red Cross: ‘Spread the word. Help avert a shortage.’

Passing this on. I can’t give right now, because not enough time has passed since the last time I gave. Anyway, I don’t have any of these blood types.

Those of you who do, think about giving. And if you don’t, pass the word:

While thousands of people answered the call for blood and platelet donations issued by the American Red Cross earlier this summer, an urgent need for platelets and types O negative, A negative and B negative blood remains.

There just aren’t enough people making the time to donate, but the truth is each open blood donation slot is tied to a pint of blood that we’ve promised to a hospital. A pint of blood that the hospital is counting on to be available for patients in need. A pint of blood that a cancer patient, trauma victim or premature baby requires to help save his or her life.

We’re asking you to help spread the word about this need. If we can work together to get the message out, we may be able to avert a shortage.

  • If you aren’t already, start by following and liking us:
  • Tweet or share this status:
    Urgent need for blood types A-, B- and O – remains. Red Cross has thousands of open appts. Schedule today. #givenow
  • Post a message on our Facebook page about what you’re doing to help.
  • Share the inspiring blood recipient videos available here.
  • Post your blood donation photos to Instagram with #summerofstories.

Live a story. Give a story. Together, we can save lives.