Fielding Mellish was ahead of his time

I had to laugh at this story on the front page of The State today:

By SAM HANANEL — Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Glued to your desk at work? Cross that off the list of reasons not to exercise.

A growing number of Americans are standing, walking and even cycling their way through the workday at treadmill desks, standup desks or other moving workstations. Others are forgoing chairs in favor of giant exercise balls to stay fit.

Walking on a treadmill while making phone calls and sorting through emails means “being productive on two fronts,” said Andrew Lockerbie, senior vice president of benefits at Brown & Brown, a global insurance consulting firm….

 Once, the Execu-ciser existed only as an expression of Woody Allen’s sense of the absurd. Now, it’s real. Such are the times we live in.

Can the Orgasmatron be far behind?

The actual TR800-DT5 Treadmill Desk from LifeSpan.

The actual TR800-DT5 Treadmill Desk from LifeSpan.

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