Walk for Life is Saturday!

The champion bradwarthen.com team of 2013 -- moi, Kathryn Fenner, Bryan Caskey and Doug Ross.

The champion bradwarthen.com team of 2013 — moi, Kathryn Fenner, Bryan Caskey and Doug Ross.

And… I fell down on the job this year, and didn’t set up a blog team.

However, if you’d like to come walk with me Saturday, today is the last day to sign up. Come donate to the family team, which is named for my wife, the miraculous breast cancer survivor, for whom I thank God every day.

I hope to see you Saturday, despite my miserable failure as a team captain this year.

Wow, this really snuck up on me…

5 thoughts on “Walk for Life is Saturday!

  1. Douglas Ross

    Can’t remember – are dogs allowed to walk along? I don’t think they are. I was planning to be down at
    Soda City with our dog on Saturday morning.

    1. Douglas Ross

      By the way, thanks to walking an average of 15,000 steps a day for the past two years, I’m down at least 25 pounds from that photo in 2013. It’s a good reminder to keep at it.

      1. Brad Warthen Post author

        Way to go, Doug!

        I’ll ask about the dogs. But I’m thinking not. As you note, there are always plenty of pooches at Soda City, but I don’t recall seeing any at Walk for Life…

      2. Brad Warthen Post author

        OK, I inquired on the Q.T., and was told it would probably be OK as long as you clean up after the dog, so none of the walkers step in anything.

        Of course, it may not OFFICIALLY be OK, because my confidential source said to tell you that if anyone says anything about the dog, say it’s a service dog.

        Basically, my source confided, if you’re not coming otherwise, sure, bring the dog…

        1. Douglas Ross

          Thanks.. it’s the same dog that is displayed on my avatar photo… so he’s almost a member of the Brad Warthen blog family. Although he’s a liberal (living off my hard work and always looking for a handout).


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