Dominica is still incommunicado


At the very bottom of The New York Times story about Puerto Rico being without power is this paragraph:

Maria had battered the island nation of Dominica a day earlier. Prime Minister Skerrit described the damage as “mind-boggling” and wrote on Facebook that he had to be rescued after winds ripped the roof off his official residence. But little information has emerged since then, with the storm having taken out phone and power lines on the island.

And that’s the way things still stand. My wife has had two conversations with stateside Peace Corps officials. In the first, they said all PC personnel are safe and accounted for.

That’s it. We haven’t spoken with our daughter or been able to communicate in writing. Which we’re anxious to be able to do.

And there have been virtually no news reports. I’ve grabbed the images above and below from the Facebook page of WIC News, “Your home for Caribbean and global news you can trust.” I hope they don’t mind my using them.


2 thoughts on “Dominica is still incommunicado

  1. Brad Warthen Post author

    Not 10 seconds after I posted that, I got a text from Becca!

    After trying multiple times without success night before last to call her, I tried sending her one text — thinking that if it was just a matter of the lines being overloaded, maybe a text could eventually get through at a moment when the traffic was diminished. Or something.

    And she just responded to say she’s fine, and that she was messaging her mother as well!

    So… first contact!

    1. Phillip

      That’s so good to know the news is good. Can only imagine the uncertainty of a parent waiting for any kind of word from a daughter or son in a faraway place…


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