No sand dunes in Surfside


Have any of y’all been to the beach since the hurricane?

My parents are there having some cleanup done around their house in Surfside — the house my grandfather built, and left to my Mom — and my mother sent me this picture, with the caption, “No sand dunes.”

Wow. The dunes we’ve had for the last couple of decades had been artificially restored, but over the years the sea oats had grown on them, and they had become at least natural-looking.

Below is a shot I took of some of my grandchildren playing in an extreme high tide that came all the way up to the dunes — which you can see at left — in July 2015.

So this is a dramatic difference…


3 thoughts on “No sand dunes in Surfside

  1. Claus

    I wouldn’t be too worried, the state will appropriate multi-million dollar contracts for beach renourishment like always. The biggest waste of money ever spent by any government… “let’s push sand up only to yet again have it dragged out by the next big storm”.

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      I agree that there’s a Sisyphean quality to continuing to put more sand on the beach…

      But, while I don’t have the figures in front of me — and maybe they don’t add up — I think the idea is that the state gets way more than it spends back in taxes from out-of-state visitors to the beach…

      1. Claus

        The beach will always be there. I’m all for beach renourishment if the homeowners are willing to pay for it. How many river and creek banks will be built because of this year’s floodings? If a community wants a dike built, it’s upon them to build.


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