I Tweeted this out with the words, “Warm light of the setting sun falls on the heart of downtown Columbia — seen from @CapCityClubCola.”
First, I’m not claiming these images I shot yesterday are great. I did not set out to take great images. I did not set out to shoot any images. It’s just that, when you have an iPhone, you shoot things like these as you go along. I do, anyway.
I’d like them better if they were of higher resolution. I wish I could have shot them with a high-end SLR, a digital version of the Nikon 8008s that sits in a drawer in my bedroom, and has for years, because it uses film. But I don’t have one of those.
But that doesn’t bother me much, because you don’t get trivial, serendipitous photos if you wait until you’re lugging a camera around. A virtue of this (relatively) new world of photography is that you’re always ready to shoot, limited only by the length of time it takes to whip out your phone (not long for me, since I’m one of those geeks who keeps it in a holster on his belt).
Anyway, they’re not much, but I thought I’d share…

This was a disappointment. The sight of workers backed by the big, blue sky was way more striking IRL.
When I originally saw those workers on the roof, I thought it would be great cropped to be super-horizontal, as above.
Then, fooling with it in Photoshop, I decided to make it more squarish-vertical, to emphasize that they’re high up, and that there’s all that sky behind them.
I think maybe that works better, but I’m going to turn the horizontal one into a header image for the blog, and you’ll see it randomly show up from time to time…
And yeah, the State House photo would have been nice without the reflections off the window glass (see my iPad reflected at bottom right), but that couldn’t be helped.
Another way to look at it is that the half-seen reflections offer a dreamy unreality to the image, like something seen through one of Tolkien’s Palantírs…
The last one reminds me of the rooftop scene in Shawshank.
Yeah… I can see that.
Thanks for playing.
I only posted this because, when I Tweeted the State House one last night, four people liked it (when it posted on Facebook). Which surprised me. Of course, three of them were members of my family, so…