Does that mean I’d actually have to WATCH the Super Bowl? Henry, you ask too much…


And the silly beat goes on…

Yesterday, we had Catherine Templeton actually seizing upon that silly mistake in The State and spinning it into a tale of deliberate persecution — of herself, of course. (Politicians these days are so whiny, and take things so personally. Someone is always being mean to them.)

On the same day, we had this foolishness from Henry McMaster:

On Tuesday, McMaster issued a statewide proclamation designating Sunday as “Stand for the Flag Super Bowl Sunday.”

The governor’s proclamation encourages all South Carolinians to stand for the playing of the national anthem before the Super Bowl LII matchup between the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles, according to a news release from McMaster’s office.

“Standing for the national anthem recognizes and honors the sacrifice of generations of men and women who have chosen to serve in the United States Armed Forces,” McMaster said in the news release. “I ask that all South Carolinians show the world our state’s resolute commitment to supporting our troops by standing for the national anthem wherever you watch the Super Bowl with your loved ones this Sunday.”…

All I could say to that was this:

As y’all know, I’m sympathetic to veterans who are sincerely affronted by this particular form of protest by football players. But I can’t for a moment feel sympathy for this kind of shallow, calculated manipulation…


6 thoughts on “Does that mean I’d actually have to WATCH the Super Bowl? Henry, you ask too much…

  1. Karen Pearson

    This proclamation is one of the tritest appeals to “Patriotism” I have seen. It demeans the word and the concept.

  2. Bryan Caskey

    I don’t get this at all. It’s just silly. No one stands up for the national anthem when they are watching it on television. It’s not a thing; that’s not how television works. You’re not actually there. I don’t even understand the person who sees this and thinks “Right on, Gov! You tell ’em!” I just don’t get this.

    This all strikes me as very silly, non-serious, and non-substantive. I’m reminded of Admiral Fitzwallace’s comment about “cosmetic battles”.

    And I say this as someone who cares very much for the flag, gets chills during the national anthem, and come from a military family. I even teach Cub Scouts how to conduct be color guards for opening ceremonies. The Governor just needs to do the core functioning of government and issue silly proclamations regarding television viewing habits.

    1. bud

      The governor is just behaving like a typical Republican. Not sure I understand this surprise reaction from everyone. Trump is not the only member of the GOP to act in a bizarre manner.


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