Roy Rogers and Wonder Woman! You can’t beat that…

OK, I was kinda ragging on Google Adsense the other day for the “older women” ad they put on my blog, but here’s one I actually like.

Not enough to click on it, mind you — that’s against the rules. I just like it as a visual enhancement of the blog.

My childhood hero Roy Rogers, with the best Wonder Woman! (No offense to Gal Gadot, but this one was pretty special.)

Can’t say I appreciate the slight suggestion that there’s something salacious going on (“opens up about his life”), this being Roy and all. I mean, he’s just being polite posing for a picture. The photographer probably said, “Pretend she’s Trigger!” and Roy obliged.

Of course, she’s not Trigger, but I don’t hold that against her. Not her fault at all. She’s doing her best, and her best is pretty good…

2 thoughts on “Roy Rogers and Wonder Woman! You can’t beat that…

  1. Brad Warthen Post author

    OK, I’m going to have to stop making fun of the clickbait, because it’s making AdSense send me more ads that are nothing but that.

    A moment ago, in place of Lynda and Roy, it had one headlined, “40+ Jaw Dropping Pictures Of A Young Raquel Welch.”

    And we don’t need that kind of distraction, do we?…


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