… but lay off my Starbucks, George!

TweetIn his latest column, George Will makes similar points to ones I made in my last post, about our national orgy of conspicuous consumption. (And thank you, Thorstein Veblen! I’ve always thought that was a great term — and not just because of the alliteration.) He concludes it thusly: In any American city large enough to […]

Yo, Starbucks on Gervais! I’d love to run your Twitter account for you

TweetY’all know of my unrequited love for Starbucks. “Unrequited” because in order for it to be requited, Starbucks would need to advertise here on my blog. I can hardly think of a better fit, given all the free product placement I’ve already provided over the years. But now I have a different proposition: Please, Starbucks, […]

Starbucks almost deserted in the middle of the day? Can the Zombie Apocalypse be far behind?

Tweet Had a strange experience a little while ago. The photographs above and below were taken at 12:57 p.m. today inside the Gervais Street Starbucks. And no, they weren’t closed for renovations. In fact, there were a few customers in there — I just shot the empty parts. But… there are never empty parts in […]

Nazi killing apparatus had more locations than Starbucks

TweetSpeaking of storm troopers, here’s something on the opposite end of the gravity spectrum from my last post… This, brought to my attention by Stan Dubinsky, sort of blew my mind this morning: THIRTEEN years ago, researchers at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum began the grim task of documenting all the ghettos, slave labor sites, concentration […]

Starbucks is playing with fire

Tweet A little while ago I posted something on Twitter about a periodic peeve of mine: Yo, Starbucks: A separate queue for us actual coffee drinkers would still be a great idea… Truth be told, I have been to a Starbucks that does have a separate queue for straight coffee drinkers (by which I don’t […]

Progress in my bid to woo Starbucks?

TweetMy effort the other day to prostrate myself in an appealing manner before Starbucks sort of bore fruit, in that I got this message via Twitter: Loved the blog and thanks for the mention That was from one Darcy Willson-Rymer, who is managing director of Starbucks in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Unfortunately, he didn’t […]

Take me, Starbucks — I’m yours

TweetFirst, a confession: I really like Starbucks’ new ad campaign. When you Google it, you find a lot of people sneering at it. They find it pompous, overbearing, supercilious, and so forth. Everything that people who don’t like Starbucks don’t like about Starbucks comes into play. But me, I love Starbucks. So when those ads […]

Open Thread for Thursday, May 19, 2022

TweetHaven’t had one of these lately, so here goes: Nato needed now more than ever – Biden — This is from the BBC. Unlike U.S. media, they pay attention to stuff like this. Which is helpful. Anyway, Joe said of Finland and Sweden, “They meet every Nato requirement and then some.” SC COVID-19 cases spike […]