Sheheen is officially running

TweetThis release came in a few minutes ago: Sheheen files for office, pledges leadership and accountability for South Carolina Columbia, SC – Today Sen. Vincent Sheheen officially filed to run for Governor of South Carolina in 2014, pledging to bring honest leadership and real accountability to the governor’s office and work across the aisle to […]

Sheheen didn’t say ‘War on Women,’ for which I’m grateful

TweetFor those who weary of Vincent Sheheen criticizing Nikki Haley and not making enough positive statements about what he would do as governor (and I’m kinda one of those), this release should be welcome: Sheheen Releases Women’s Agenda, Launches Statewide Roundtable Discussions Gubernatorial candidate lays out plan to ensure equal pay for equal work, stop […]

What’s in a word? From ‘nullification’ to ‘anti-commandeering’

TweetSomehow, I missed Sen. Tom Davis’ announcement of how he was changing the emphasis of his nullification bill, until about three days later. So I didn’t write about it. But now it’s been 10 days, and I think we should still at least make note of it, because it’s indicative of a shift of emphasis […]

SC House Democrats come up with a solid plan for remaining the minority party

TweetThis just in from the SC House Democratic Caucus: SC House Democrats Release 2014 Legislative Priorities Columbia, SC – South Carolina House Democrats released their list of 2014 legislative priorities on Tuesday. House Democrats will focus on six main issues this session including more funding for education and teacher pay, establishing a state-mandated minimum wage, Medicaid […]

Another ‘Walking Dead’ kind of day in the Southland

Tweet I had already made the comparison between the recent weather-related apocalypse in Atlanta and “Walking Dead,” but I had somehow missed this post providing photographic evidence. Whoa. It even includes “survivors” shuffling through the wreckage, in images very like those from everyone’s fave zombie TV show. Check it out. The main visual difference is […]

SC GOP has nothing to fear from Obamacare

TweetOn a previous post, Burl brought our attention to an item on Daily Kos, under a picture of Nikki Haley: Even in South Carolina, a state hostile to Obamacare expansion, hundreds of thousands of people are benefiting just from greater awareness of existing government programs for which they do qualify. And while most of those beneficiaries are […]

We don’t need outsiders calling our governor a ‘clown’

Tweet Back in the first few years that I was back here in SC — I want to say it was about the time of the Lost Trust scandal in 1990; in any case, it was a time when we were struggling with some huge problem in Columbia — The Charlotte Observer ran a short, […]

Nathan Ballentine proposes solution for violent crime in Columbia: Sheriff Leon Lott

TweetAt the risk of seeming even more like a guy who thinks of himself as the Editorial Page Editor in Exile, allow me to call your attention to a second good piece on the opinion pages of The State today. You should read Rep. Nathan Ballentine’s piece promoting Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott as the […]

Have YOU been harmed by the DOR hacking?

TweetOr do you know anyone who has? I raised this question, sort of indirectly, earlier — I was questioning the value of Vincent Sheheen trying to get everybody outraged over the hacking, which broke a year ago, when we don’t know whether anyone has been harmed. I was reacting to this passage in an AP […]

The big weakness in Sheheen’s hacking-outrage strategy

TweetTo mark the anniversary of the hacking scandal (remember that? turns out that most South Carolinians had their identities stolen due to the fecklessness of the state Department of Revenue), Vincent Sheheen put out a press release giving incumbent Gov. Nikki Haley hell about it: The hacking was a horrible and preventable disgrace. First, under Nikki […]

Graham: Mace partnership with Folks ‘might come up’

TweetI’m writing this as a tribute to Lee Bandy, because if he’d been there and heard this, funeral or not, he’d have jumped on it. As Aaron Sheinin related in an earlier post, Lee would wait until people like me got done with the wonkish, nerdy political stuff, and ask questions about the horse race […]

Sheheen campaign objects to use of governor’s mansion

Tweet I got this release from Andrew Whalen with the Sheheen campaign today. Of course, if you “sign the petition” expressing your indignation at Nikki Haley using the governor’s mansion for fund-raising, the Sheheen campaign will have your contact info. So they can solicit you for campaign funds. And stuff. Anyway, here it is: Nikki […]

‘Power Failure’ problems still plague South Carolina

TweetYesterday, at Jack Van Loan‘s gathering for Steve Benjamin, the mayor at one point — in talking about the strong-mayor system — invoked “Power Failure.” He does that frequently when I’m around, which causes me to think he does it to flatter me. But he always does it relevantly. For those who don’t know what […]

Congratulations to Ted Pitts, and to the gov for picking him

TweetY’all probably think I don’t praise Nikki Haley enough (y’all are just hypercritical, you know that?), so here goes… I think she made a great decision choosing Ted Pitts — my former representative — to be her new chief of staff: COLUMBIA — Gov. Nikki Haley has named her former fellow Lexington County legislator, Ted […]

How was that not a campaign trip? And why the secrecy?

TweetStill scratching my head over the state Ethics Commission fixin’ to slap Nikki Haley’s wrist, then changing its mind: Gov. Nikki Haley’s campaign will not have to repay the state for the cost of a SLED security detail that accompanied her on a trip to North Carolina in June, the State Ethics Commission’s executive director […]

First, Vincent, you need a huge SC flag

Tweet Normally, I don’t go in for the big stage props in politics. I still recall the time, in a barn at the agricultural experiment station outside Jackson, TN, in the late ’70s (or was it early ’80s?), when some national political figure stood to make a speech in front of two symmetrically-stacked ziggurats of […]

SC mayors for Sheheen, 1st installment

TweetI thought this was kind of interesting, partly because it seems sort of early for making such endorsement announcements as this: SC Mayors Endorse Vincent Sheheen for Governor   Local leaders cite Sheheen’s economic vision, bipartisan approach & record of results for why he’s the right leader to fix broken state government Camden, SC – […]