The Wiz comments on Cayce’s zoning rush

Responding to the precipitate hurry of Cayce to pave the way for annexing the Green Diamond property, opposition spokesman Bob Wislinski sent out the following:

Hope Cayce city government is committed to more due process and community input than what I witnessed last night at their Planning Commission. They are going to need it. Another concern here is that Cayce is wrapping the project in the shroud of economic development secrecy/confidentiality, which eliminates a lot of effective citizen input. If anything, the project requires more transparency, less secrecy and more official openness, in my opinion, than Cayce is currently prepared to invite. Thanks.

Bob Wislinski
Congaree Taskforce

He also attached this, which he said was bulk-mailed to Cayce registered voters Monday.

This follows up on what Robert Adams was saying when I ran into him at the McCain event Saturday, suggesting that Cayce is going to ram this through before anyone gets the chance to react effectively.

7 thoughts on “The Wiz comments on Cayce’s zoning rush

  1. bud

    Read Kevin Fisher’s article in this weeks Free Times. By what possible reasoning could anyone even suggest this is a good idea. The folks in Richland County, the City of Columbia, the Congaree National Park and in Riverland Park on Lexington County side of the River, need to come out stridently and forcefully against this annexation fiaso. So far the opposition has been very quiet. Perhaps everyone was just taken by complete surprise that any idea so diabolically bad could ever come to fruition.

  2. Karen McLeod

    Does W. Cola not understand the concept of ‘flood plain?’ Are they bound and determined to do something before they determine environmental (not to mention, financial) impact on the area? They trust Green Diamond?? What can we do to protect ourselves from this self destructive career? This is gonna cost someone big time, and I don’t want it to be me, or the river that flows near my house!

  3. Brad Warthen

    Oh, that’s all right, Karen. I was joshing. The biggest problem we have around here is the mentality that these lines matter. We’re all one community, and too few people act like it. You may recall that the thing that bothered me most in Mayor Avery Wilkerson’s op-ed was the “that side of the river versus our side of the river” attitude that he invoked…

  4. Karen McLeod

    I agree with you, Brad. When we divvy ourselves up into Columbia, Forest Lakes, North Columbia, Cayce, West Columbia, Tri-City, and each of us struggles for his “piece of the pie” all we end up with is pie crust crumbs and filling smeared on hands and floor. In this case, we may lose some good land for a natural habitat. It’s certainly not good for putting up any structure; I know that it has been flooded too many times. And if you build it up and put up a dike, won’t that just flood the folks on the other side? Can you explain to me just what is so darned attractive about this site? Preferably in simple terms since I’m clearly in the dark here.

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