Spelling, parts of speech, and other hard stuff

Rob Godfrey over at the S.C. GOP sent out a note to make sure we all knew that, in endorsing Barack Obama, Rep. John Spratt misspelled the Illinois senator’s name — not once, but five times.

Rob calls our attention to this item on the subject on The Politico. Actually, it was really short, so I’ll just reproduce the whole thing here:

It’s the little things

Memo to South Carolina Rep. John Spratt: If you’re going to go to all of the trouble of putting out a statement in which you endorse Barack Obama, it might be a good idea to spell his name correctly.

Spratt’s statement — in which he says Obama’s "eloquence" sets him apart — misspells the candidate’s name as "Barak" not once but five times.

By Tim Grieve 03:02 PM

Mr. Spratt, who has been described as one of the smarter people in the House, should be ashamed, and I’m sure he’s embarrassed.

I should mention however, that Rob has his own problems — a chronic inability to distinguish a noun from an adjective, on display once again in a release I got from him yesterday. Ironically, it was also on the subject of "Barak" Obama:

COLUMBIA, S.C. – South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Katon Dawson today released the following statement on the Democrat Party’s presumptive presidential nominee Barack Obama:
    “After the most divisive presidential primary in history, Democrats appear to have settled for the most inexperienced presidential candidate in history.  But don’t take my word for it.  Members of Barack Obama’s own party have criticized him for lacking the experience to lead on issues that matter most to Americans.
     “If Barack Obama can’t unite his own party, we certainly can’t trust him to unite our country.”

If you’re going to keep disagreeing with it, at least learn its proper name…

22 thoughts on “Spelling, parts of speech, and other hard stuff

  1. Donald

    I think he knows its proper name. It’s “Democratic,” right? He mangled it on purpose. It’s just one of those things Democrats and Republicans do to each other… like Barack using “Bush-McCain” over and over.

  2. martin

    That’s why I say Republic Party. This tactic is to demean and ridicule and just demonstrates how mean and petty some of the high ranking Republic Party types are.
    I long for the days of the Ev and Jerry Show when those RepublicAN Party members demonstrated class and civility.
    Sad to say, most of this hatefulness comes from the kind of politics practiced by native son Lee Atwater.

  3. Lee Muller

    It sure was mean of Lee Atwater to pick up the negative ads of Al Gore and other Democrats from the primaries and use them in the general election, like the Willie Horton ad.
    And it’s really mean to tell the truth about a Democrat, like Obama’s terrorist friends, and communist mentors.

  4. Lee Muller

    Obama has been chosen as the puppet candidate precisely BECAUSE he is a vapid know-nothing who can be trained to speak passionately and say nothing concrete, which willing listeners will hear as agreeing with their FEELINGS. There is no intellectual connection, because there is no intellectual content.

  5. USAReader

    The McCain camp is and always HAS BEEN supportive of Obama’s illusional red carpet ride. Having this pseudo contender will cinch it for McCain and his coattail monkeys in November. I don’t know why you people can’t see this!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. bud

    Hardline members of the GOP just like to be ornary. This whole “Democrat Party” mantra is just one of their tools to try and persuade American voters to vote against their own and the country’s best interest.
    Take this example. For years the GOP has pushed this notion that the Democrats are the party of tax and spend. But it’s whenever the GOP is charge that budget deficits go through the roof. Whenever the Dems get back in power the deficits decline as they will if the Dems continue to control congress. Yet the GOP continues to claim they are the party of fiscal responsibility. And many voters inexplicably buy it. It’s simply an amazing marketing job.
    This whole right-wing spin manages to leave out important facts whenever they try to make a point. When discussing government spending they conveniently ignore military spending with something like this: “Descresionary, non-military spending has increased at a lower rate over the past x years compared to the previous y years”. Of course non-military spending may have in fact increased at a slower rate but the military component, mostly unneeded junk like the Ofsprey, may have exploded with huge subsidies for the military weapons builders.
    And have you noticed how every ad for any Republican running for office includes the gratuitous: “He’s a good conservative” mantra. John Smith, conservative candidate for dog catcher. Pleez. Given the clear failure of modern conservative governance it would seem this is something they should run away from. Yet because of the brilliant marketing campaign “conservative” has taken on a persona of good, effective governance that works for the people. Never mind that conservatism is an utter failure in much the same way as communism was.
    So let’s cut through the chaise here. The GOP is far better at playing the marketing game than the Democrats. Hands down they know mendacious, malicious political gamesmanship very well. And they are not afraid to use it. And even though liberalism has proven itself a far superior approach to governing, liberals run away from the label simply because they are not as effective at selling it’s success. Liberals are far smarter when it comes to policy but they just aren’t very good at understanding how to push the proper buttons of the voter.
    The good news is that this year may be different. Conservative governance has failed so completely that most voters are catching on to their games. They know who’s been in charge while gas prices have soared through the roof. They’re not buying the latest conservative spin that it’s the liberal environmentalists that have blocked drilling as the culprit. No, the public is starting to see the GOP for the fraud that it is. No amount of spin from Rush and Sean will save them this time. But they will surely try. So far we’ve had the non-story about the Obama preachers, the non-story about the bitter gun owners and a host of other non-stories. So far Obama has survived all this. But there will be more non-stories to come. Just hang on to your hats folks. The GOP spin machine is just getting cranked up.

  7. Lee Muller

    As inexcusable as the deficits have been under GW Bush, the Democrats have tried to tack on another $200 BILLION of debt, but been stopped by Bush and Senator Mitch McConnell.
    Clinton ran up $1,400 BILLION of debt, and wanted $2.8 TRILLION, but Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey kept it lower.
    All the deficit spending since 1981 has been on social welfare programs outpacing increased revenue from taxes due to the Reagan tax cuts pulling us out of the Carter malaise.
    Gasoline prices have gone up $1.65 / gallon since the Democrats took control of Congress and the Senate. Now they want to push the price to $6.00 a gallon with punitive taxes. They really like France as their model of a stagnant, state-controlled socialist economy.

  8. Lee Muller

    To clarify:
    As inexcusable as the deficits have been under GW Bush, the Democrats have tried to tack on another $200 BILLION of debt EACH YEAR, but been stopped by Bush and Senator Mitch McConnell. If Pelosi and Reid had passed their budgets, the total deficits would have been $1.9 TRILLION larger than they have been.
    Obama is already proposing $1.5 TRILLION of deficits on top of the current budget.

  9. bud

    Gasoline prices are determined by supply and demand factors which no one in either party can control, especially in the short run. What congress and the president need to do (and sadly it will probably have to wait until 2009) is to come to grips with the stark reality that oil will never again be cheap. Drilling is a useless option that will do absolutely nothing to bring down gasoline prices. What is really needed is a massive conservation program. I just hope the new president and congress have the guts to do what it takes.

  10. Lee Muller

    Congress controls the supply of American oil and the price of gasoline by
    * intefering with drilling in ANWR,
    * intefering with drilling offshore,
    * stopping extraction of hundreds of billions of barrels of shale oil
    * stopping importation of Canadia shale oil
    * taxing foreign ethanol at 51 cents a gallon
    * sending encouragement to Arab terrorists and terrorist nations like Syria and Iran
    * sending encouragement to the Venezualan dictator Chavez
    —- Massive conservation ————–
    * Deport the 1/10 of our population which is illegal.

  11. Fargo51

    “bud”, you are an idiot. The President can’t spend one dime, (appropriations), that’s congress’ job, and who’s in charge of that?

  12. Lee Muller

    I am sure you and most socialists posing as “liberals” would like to silence everyone who argues with facts. Maybe Obama will sweep into power and turn some goon squads loose to stop the outpouring of truth.

  13. p.m.

    You know, bud, I hate to be ornery, but here on the “Spelling, parts of speech and other hard stuff” thread, you misspelled “ornery” and “discretionary” and “Osprey” and “its”, but you spelled “mendacious” correctly and either invented something worthy of becoming a cliche or used a cliche I’ve never previously read when you wrote “cut through the chaise.”
    Not just that, but you spelled “chaise” correctly, too.
    Something about that strikes me as suspicious, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is.

  14. p.m.

    Speaking of parts of speech, here is part of Obama’s speech in St. Paul the other night:
    “I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations.”
    But also:
    “This was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.”
    Sounds like the man who knows his own limitations somehow in his humlity envisions himself a god.
    Yet soldiers are risking their lives in the war he ended Tuesday night.
    And long before Obama’s overwrought oratory, Medicaid, Medicare and the Job Service helped heal the sick and find jobs for the jobless.
    Even before he bowled a 37.

  15. bud

    As for the Lee energy plan I probably should just ignore it since it is basically just a nazi (he likes to use socialist so I’ll use a different buzzword) rant but so many people beleive this crap it can’t go unchallenged:
    Drilling in the ANWR. If the dems stopped this hooray for them. That is a bad idea that hopefully will never occur.
    Of course we’re drilling like crazy offshore so that bit of conservative mantra is nonsense. We’re just not opening up new areas to drill in. Since we don’t have the resources to do so this is not a factor.
    This shale oil claim is simply ridiculous. There is no good way to extract energy from shale. It requires tremendous amounts of both water and natural gas. And it will spoil the beautiful western environment. It would be much more cost effective to just outlaw large SUVs.
    The Canadians are turning oil sands into fuel as we speak. But they’re having trouble scaling up. This won’t help much. And this too requires prodigious quantities of water and NG.
    Ok, the taxing of ethanol is probably a bad thing. I’ll have to research the details on this but I believe dems and the GOP alike supported this measure. Besides, everyone, including Lee, now seems to agree that ethanol won’t help much.
    Lee’s terrorist claims don’t make any sense in an energy debate. After all it was Bush, a member in good standing with the GOP, who spent quality time with the leader of the country that was home to 16 of the 19 9-11 terrorists.
    Deporting aliens. Who would do all our dirty jobs? Bad idea. Besides, they don’t usually drive Hummers. Let’s ban those damn things, NOW!

  16. p.m.

    Your fort, bud? I thought your military plan was not to have a fort at all, hoping for a spell of sanity from the agents of terror and pervasive Muslimity.

  17. Lee Muller

    Nazis are socialists.
    bud’s problem is not only spelling, but he often spells a word correctly but doesn’t know the meaning.
    “chaise” is a piece of furniture.
    Let’s cut to the chase.
    Accuracy is not bud’s FORTE.
    Democrats vote yesterday to pile on another 60 cents of gasoline taxes, while blaming President Bush for high gas prices.

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