Super Gilda


ou probably read in The State today about Gilda Cobb-Hunter being increasingly lonesome as an uncommitted superdelegate, now that Jim Clyburn and others have finally declared for Obama.

Here’s some more about Gilda from The Washington Post. The story elaborates upon the miseries of the situation:

    The novelty of famous suitors and media interviews long ago eroded into exhaustion, and now state Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter of South Carolina is just plain sick of all this. An undecided superdelegate to the Democratic National Convention in August, she opens her e-mail inbox each morning and deletes a handful of threatening notes sent by strangers. Campaign followers call her incessantly. She struggles to find time to run her own campaign for reelection…

Gilda could have spared herself a lot of aggravation if she had just declared back in October for the "Democrat" with whom she is pictured above (the one who gets all his South Carolina news from Brad Warthen’s Blog). By the way, I was supposed to send Gilda a copy of the above photo and forgot. Sorry, Gilda — I’ve been busy. Would you still like me to e-mail it?

And oops, here’s another one…


2 thoughts on “Super Gilda

  1. Harry

    Gilda Cobb-Hunter is a gem. She is smart, politically savvy, and courageous. She also seems to have a personality that allows her to work with legislators from different political perspectives. Upon meeting her a couple of years ago, my Rock Hill daughter declared to me there was this top-notch state rep from Orangeburg who ought to be running the place. I live in Sumter, and am often inspired by her work on behalf of our state.


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