So should I do the “Hitler” gig, or what?

My agent is out of town at the moment, so I thought I’d ask y’all what I should do with this offer that came in the mail:

This September, Workshop Theatre will present its opening show of the season, the hilarious musical by Mel Brooks, “The Producers”…

… At the end of the first act, there are auditions for the individual who will play Hitler. We thought it would be fun to invite well-known members of the community to make cameo appearances during the run of the show as individuals auditioning for that part. It is not necessary that you be able to sing or even carry a tune.

We invite you to have your fifteen minutes [maybe five?] of fame on Workshop Theatre’s stage by making an appearance in “The Producers.”

It’s tempting, especially since I saw that video that Burl shared, which I feel gave me new insight into the character of der Führer. But I can sort of hear my agent’s voice saying, “Mark my words: Do it, and you’ll be typecast.”

But I’m leaning toward taking it. Directors aren’t exactly beating down my door, and so far, my calendar’s pretty open in September and October.

12 thoughts on “So should I do the “Hitler” gig, or what?

  1. jfx

    Can’t….resist….haiku opportunity:

    Blog, Twitter, haiku…
    and now thespianism.
    Jobless dynamo.

  2. slugger

    Brad. You would make a better Sgt. Schultz. Hitler is much to serious a role for you.

  3. Bill C.

    They’re asking for a “well known member of the community”.

    Maybe you could talk Sam Tenembaum into playing Hitler. He could stand backstage and hand out Visa gift cards.

  4. Lynn Teague

    So, it is actually possible for you to write something on-line without commentary from Lee Muller. I’m surprised.

  5. Brad Warthen

    Oh, Lee will post something scornful eventually. These “frivolous” posts infuriate him. He gets kind of like the Fuhrer did about Star Trek…

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