SNL on Joe Wilson

I don’t know about y’all but I didn’t see this until just now. Mildly amusing, although certainly no Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. And of course, it’s yet another needless embarrassment for South Carolina. I share it for what it’s worth.

12 thoughts on “SNL on Joe Wilson

  1. Santee

    The longer I think about the debate about whether Joe Wilson is a racist at heart, the less I think speculation about his personal feelings on race matter. It is his behavior that we can observe and know, rather than speculate about.

    We know that Wilson has insulted Thurmond’s daughter; few people believe that his outrage was about the challenge to Thurmond’s premarital virginity. He has supported keeping the Confederate flag on the State House, despite the clear evidence that this was begun in opposition to civil rights and is perceived as hurtful by many of his constituents. He has very conspicuously (and I believe not spontaneously) insulted the first African-American president of our country. Whatever his deepest feelings, his behavior leaves a lot to be desired.

    Would Wilson have disagreed vehemently with President Obama on the subject of undocumented aliens and health care regardless of his race? There is every reason to think he would have. He is an unfailingly loyal creature of his party. The SNL skit actually addresses that aspect of Wilson’s behavior rather than racial bias.

    However, if Wilson had any respect for his African-American constituents, he would have refrained from doing something so obviously insulting to them. His behavior is indeed another needless embarrassment to our state, but it is also another in his long history of needless insults to many of the people of our state. If he is not at heart a racist, this should bother him a great deal more than it seems to have done.

  2. Santee

    I should add that nothing in the bills that Obama has supported actually has included subsidized health care for undocumented aliens. However, the Republican Party has tried to depict President Obama’s plans as leading to that end, and Wilson loyally followed along.

  3. Brad Warthen

    Of course, hyperventilating about whether or not little brown people with accents get to share in something is hardly the way to project racial tolerance. But perhaps that’s beside the point…

  4. Lee Muller

    Congressman Wilson had the exact same opposition to the socialist medical takeover proposed by Hillary Clinton. It wasn’t because the was a “sexist”, although Hillary was still claiming that as recently as yesterday.

    The socialists are lazy thieves.
    They can’t sell they ideas openly, so they sneak, lie, and demonize their opponents.

  5. Lee Muller

    Brad, you should try the exercise of being intellectually honest for a while.

    Last week, you were defending Obama’s claim that his socialized medicine scheme would exclude illegal aliens. Now, when confronted with his own promise to not only include them, but to welcome more illegals and make them instant citizens, you mumble something about “little brown people”.

    Do you really want unlimited immigration and no controls of our borders and citizenship? Just say what you want.

    It looks like you will accept anything as long as you get to freeload on medical care. After all, you’ll be gone in a few years. To hell with the Americans left to clean up your mess.

  6. doug_ross


    Don’t bother. Brad thinks that if you are opposed to illegal immigrants its because of their color. In his mind, there couldn’t possibly be any other reason.

    For a guy who always ends up on the side of making more laws, it’s odd that he doesn’t feel it’s necessary to enforce the laws that do exist.

    Illegal immigrants start by committing one crime and then compound it by committing even more:

    Identity theft
    Driving without insurance
    Failure to pay taxes

    But those laws only apply to actual American citizens apparently.

  7. Brad Warthen

    No, actually, I think rational immigration laws should be enforced. But I also think laws against jaywalking should be enforced, and yet you won’t find me hyperventilating and acting like it’s the end of the freaking world if they’re not.
    Crossing an invisible line in the desert to try to go work and earn a living for your family is not akin to murder. It’s a violation of the law, that that should be taken seriously. Just not as seriously as it is by the people who get so worked up about it that it overwhelms their inhibitions to the point of shouting insults at the president of the United States during a joint session of Congress. That shows a lack of a sense of proportion that is not adequately explained by a crime so technical and dry as illegal immigration. When people get THAT worked up about it, there’s something more than technical respect for the law going on.

  8. Libb

    Perhaps,the “lack of a sense of proportion” exhibited by Addison G Wilson has more to do w/ his loyality to those who pad his campaign coffers.

    He voted for the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement & Modernization Act of 2003 which provides $250 million a year to hospitals to subsidize healthcare for illegal immigrants. The American Hospital Association just happens to be one of his top 5 campaign contributors. More reason to push for term limits and cap offs on monies donated.

  9. Lee Muller

    30,000,000 illegal aliens is the sense of proportion.

    1/10 of our population.

    85% of all California babies are born to illegal aliens at taxpayer expense.

    800,000 illegal aliens at large on fugitive arrest warrants for jumping bail.

    810,000 illegal aliens convicted and in prison in the U.S., for burglary, drug dealing, armed robbery, murder, and running prostitution rings.

  10. Lee Muller

    Do you want to cut off all medical care to illegal aliens?

    Or do you just not like Joe Wilson, and attack him for supporting the same welfare programs for illegals that you actually support?

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