“Where are all the protesters?”

Boyd Summers, chairman of Richland County’s Democrats, got even with me for posting his picture Tuesday by sending this one out via Twitter yesterday.

In the pic, taken at the “Reinstate Darla Moore” rally at the State House, I’m going, “Where are all the protesters?”

Maybe there will be a bigger crowd when Darla speaks at the Russell House today at 12:15. Whether there’s a crowd or not, I’m curious to hear what she’ll say, and plan to drop by if I can. (And if they’ll let me in, since I don’t think my student ID from 1971, the one semester I went there before transferring to Memphis State, is valid any more.)

6 thoughts on ““Where are all the protesters?”

  1. Brad

    By the way, speaking of protests, political statements and Days of Rage, note what I’m wearing.

    Seeing that the forecast yesterday was for the high 80s, I donned my ALMOST white khakis. This was my way of expressing outrage over such heat on March 23, which is FAR too soon for it, and just plain unnatural.

    Of course, they are NOT actually white, but very light khaki. White would be insupportable. I am not an anarchist…

  2. Kathryn Fenner (D- SC)

    It was during a prime period for classes and not very well-publicized, although how one reaches students nowadays I’m not sure.

  3. Rob

    Probably like 98% percent of USC students who have heard the words “Darla Moore” know it as the name of a department on campus.

    As for the handful of students who are spending their waking moments worried about the fate of Darla Moore, there is just something kind of…I don’t know, “weird” about nineteen and twenty year olds taking up the cause of some uber-rich big shot like she is some kind of aggrieved person in desperate need of people to rally to her cause.

  4. Steve Gordy

    Rob, it isn’t about Darla Moore; it’s about the governor and her unique notions about leadership and gubernatorial powers.


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