Your Virtual Front Page, Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Very quickly (gotta run to Ash Wednesday mass):

  1. Qaddafi Forces Batter Rebels in Strategic Refinery Town (NYT) — Also, “Giant Fireball Reported As Libya Strikes Oil Facility.”
  2. Gaddafi forces beat up BBC team (BBC)
  3. Egypt sees outbreak of sectarian violence (WashPost)
  4. David Broder dies; Pulitzer-winning Washington Post political columnist (WashPost) — I’ll have more to say about this later… in the meantime, here’s some commentary.
  5. Financial shortfall threatens Midlands food charity (The State)
  6. NPR CEO Vivian Schiller Resigns After Board Decides She Should Go (NPR) — Wow. That’s two (unrelated) Schillers down at NPR…

Hey, I told you it would be quick today…

4 thoughts on “Your Virtual Front Page, Wednesday, March 9, 2011

  1. bud

    David Broder reminded us that working together to solve problems is far more productive than fighting battles to get 100% of what you want. He battled the partisanship that has infected Washington over the past 30 years and for that we can be grateful. Not sure Broder’s appeal was heard in the GOP or the tiny left-wing of the Democratic party but for the rest of us we should never lose sight of the fact that others can have relevant points to make even if it is not in line with our own. David Broder’s sensible approach to the nation’s issues will be greatly missed.

  2. Brad

    You hit the nail on the head, Bud. One small quibble, though — why is good when Broder “battled the partisanship that has infected Washington over the past 30 years,” but you always bristle when I do it?


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