Your Virtual Front Page, Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Here’s your Tuesday report:

  1. Syrian state of emergency lifted (BBC) — After only 50 years. I think they decided that, in spite of all the recent unrest, the word had ceased to have meaning. Or something. Read the story…
  2. U.K. to Send Military Advisers to Libya (WSJ) — If that were us, people would be hollering, “Another Vietnam!”
  3. Dow Closes Up 65 Points (WSJ) — So traders sorta kinda got over the S&P scare yesterday…
  4. First lady’s plane aborts landing due to error (WashPost) — A close call for Mrs. Obama and all aboard.
  5. Restructuring bills advance (AP) — Senate Judiciary passes bills to allow referenda on whether the superintendent of education should be appointed rather than elected, and whether the governor and gov lite should be elected on the same ticket.
  6. ‘Wikileaks’ suspect to be moved (BBC) — I predict Manning’s not going to like Leavenworth much more than where he’s been.

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