Your Virtual Front Page, Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011

Here’s what I’m seeing right now:

  1. A Shaken Italy Is Poised to Name a New Government (NYT) — While markets, on tenterhooks, watch.
  2. Riot as legendary US coach sacked (BBC) — I find that it helps my sense of perspective to view anything this American, and this bizarre, through a British lens.
  3. Penn State Protests Upset Families Of Alleged Victims (NPR) — Meanwhile, from a planet where sanity and perspective reign…
  4. DHEC approves deal to allow widening for Georgia port (AP) — And Vincent Sheheen unloads on DHEC, Haley.
  5. U.S. Delays Decision on Pipeline Until After Election (NYT) — Not that I was holding my breath waiting for it to happen, but everyone seems to think this delay is a really big deal, so here you go…
  6. Perry tries to recover from gaffe (WashPost) — Perry has three good reasons not to quit the race: He’s conservative, he talks tough, and, um… there was another one lying around here somewhere…

12 thoughts on “Your Virtual Front Page, Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011

  1. bud

    The GOP campaign season is the gift that keeps on giving. Seems like one fun moment after another. It’s only been a couple of days but the bud odds have to be adjusted following the Perry 1-2-oops moment:

    Romney – Even
    Gingrich 3-1
    Cane 6-1
    Bachmann 8-1
    Perry 8-1
    Paul 10-1
    Santorum 20-1
    Huntsman 25-1

  2. Karen McLeod

    Please understand that I am NOT supporting tolerating child sexual abuse. I’m just saying what the standard method of dealing with this sort of thing was in 2002. It’s changed since then. Back then, if someone witnessed any kind of abuse in an institution, that person was supposed to report it to their superior, who then reported it on up until it got to the chief cheese. The institution then investigated the allegation, and acted on the findings of the investigation. If the police had been contacted immediately, they would have most likely turned it over to the administration. Had they been contacted later, they would have probably accepted the statement that the institution had investigated and taken action. Things have changed now, but that’s the way it was.

  3. Tim

    even allowing that reasoning, it is now 9 years since then. Do you think that the assistant coach sort of shrugged off the disgusting shower scene in the intervening years?

    That said, the Catholic Church, in 2002, commissioned the John Jay report as it was even then acknowledging it had a serious problem on its hands. It was widely publicized. Long before then, been dealing with reports of Boy Scouts problems through the criminal courts.

    That said, this slug in Pennsylvania has been doing this as recently as 2009, when, finally some parents reported it to authorities. A Grand Jury took 3 years to investigate, which, trust me, someone as powerful and connected as Joe Paterno would have been aware of. In that time, did he come forward to police? No. We had to wait to hear how saddend he was.

    This is not some subtle shift in public perceptions. This is something that needs a RICO investigation.

  4. Mark Stewart

    Wow! That is an awesome map! Unless you hail from Brownia …

    I’ve never seen a geographic depiction of relative population; they’re always elevations. This is intriguing.

  5. Tim

    I would vote for it, if it reforms the antiquated, anti-democratic institution called the US Senate. Senator from Alaska voted in by about 75 thousand people should not = Senator from California voted in by 3-4 million.

  6. Mark Stewart

    Tim’s point is interesting; what happened to Alaska and Hawaii? Let alone Puerto Rico? I assume DC would still be the swamp along the Potomac though.

    Still, like this map. And its hardly gerrimandered.

  7. Karen McLeod

    Tim, I agree. I’m glad the reporting has changed, and I agree that Mr. Paterno had the power to force an investigation. And ongoing problems, especially recent ones? No excuse. I was simply pointing out the problems with reporting that first instance.

  8. bud

    Did the Pope have the power to force an investigation of the enormous pedephilia scandal in the Catholic Church? Never heard any discussion of that collosal scandal. And the Pope was never fired.


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