I think we’re back up and running…

It was a… complicated process. I mean the process of getting from there to here. (Maybe when I’m not so tired I’ll tell you about it, if you care. Which you probably don’t.)

How about giving it a try? See if you can leave a comment. On whatever you’d like. Comment on Rube Goldberg, if you like.

Or we could talk about that Goldberg-inspired game, Mouse Trap. Ever play that? I loved it when I was a kid, and then later when my kids were kids. (I need to break it out for my grandkids now!)

Anyway, once we have all the kinks out — and I think we’re about there — I’ll get back to actual, serious blogging. Or semi-serious. Perhaps seriocomic. Whatever…

15 thoughts on “I think we’re back up and running…

  1. Brad Warthen Post author

    I particularly want to thank Chip Oglesby, my former colleague at The State (he shot this picture of Sen. Obama’s meeting with us in 2008, for instance), who originally set up this version of the blog YEARS ago, and stepped in in my great hour of need to pull this blog out of the ditch.

    Thank you so much, Chip!

  2. Bob Amundson

    I am so happy General Miley is “speaking.” There were “rumblings” that became louder as “He Who Shall Not Be Named” decompensated.

    Civilian led Military, but Miley “back channeled” just in case.

    A hero! Thank you General and all our Senior Military Leadership. Maybe it was too bad we could not “back channel” Afghanistan.

    Leading edge can be bleeding edge …

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      Yes! I’m very glad to see comments working again!

      While I’ll be very busy doing actual paying work, trying to catch up from dealing with the last few days, perhaps I can find time today to write an actual BLOG POST about something…

  3. Bob Amundson

    I tried several times to post this. There are so many “backchannels” because that is networking.

    I am so happy General Miley is “speaking.” There were “rumblings” that became louder as “He Who Shall Not Be Named” decompensated.

    Civilian led Military, but Miley “backchanneled” just in case.

    A hero! Thank you General and all our Senior Military Leadership. Maybe it was too bad we could not “back channel” Afghanistan.

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      Bob, you know that I’m moderating everything, right? So no comment appears until I’ve approved it.

      But if you keep having trouble (if a comment doesn’t post for more than a day or two), email me. Finally, my email is working again. For awhile during this transition, it was not…

    2. Barry


      So glad to see Biden say he had full confidence in General Milley.

      I think they day he eventually retires, he should be awarded The Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  4. bud

    Ultimate Rube Goldberg – Health Care! Why can’t we just do like every other country in the world and have a single payer system. And apparently now we’ve stopped talking about. I just turned 65 and it such a huge relief to finally join Medicare.

    1. jim Catoe

      Welcome to Medicare Bud. Without it my wife and I would be living under a bridge somewhere and pushing a grocery cart around town. Our health issues have resulted in literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills being covered by Medicare.

  5. Bob Amundson

    Just put this on Facebook: “I am disgusted by the continued failure of our law enforcement system – #SimoneBiles. Obviously, the law enforcement system AS A WHOLE (not pointing fingers at anyone) does not deal with the “dirty little secrets” that many of us have to overcome. It is not about defunding the police – is about shifting emphasis. I feel so old at times – an NRA that is no longer focused on gun safety – why don’t I hear “melting pot” anymore?

    Please feel the pain of these wonderful athletes who have the courage to speak up. All of them so BRAVELY encouraged every victim to be strong, to understand the pain of someone you trust, perhaps even love, abusing you. The hurt is so real, and at times, it will knock the shit out of us.
    PLEASE remember; children do not vote so we must #ListenToChildren !!!!!!

    #policereform #cubapolicedepartment #cubany #mistymountainspark #senatorgeorgeborrello #alleganycounty

    Peace – Love – Dove”

    Thanks Brad!


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