Category Archives: Republicans

But can Ah-nold whup Chuck?


ow that the GOP nomination has come down to a simple, pedestrian question of whether Mitt Romney canMccain_2008_arnoldwart
spend enough on California TV ads to raise his chance of getting the nomination above snowball-in-hell status (I picture Ritchie Rich just shoveling the cash out of his swimming-pool full — or am I thinking of Scrooge McDuck?), all true, plainspoken, vicariously macho men find themselves wondering the following:

  • Maybe Mike Huckabee’s an also-ran in the pantywaist, artificial world of politics, but in nature, red in tooth and claw, couldn’t Chuck Norris whup Ah-nold without breaking much of a sweat?
  • Why has Jerry "The King" Lawler remained silent, letting Ric Flair hog all the glory?
  • If Gary Cooper were alive, and took on the whole lot of ’em, all by his lonesome (which you know he would if it came right down to it), would he prevail?
  • Is it just me or does Rudy Giuliani, who took on all Five Families and just missed getting whacked by a single vote on the Commission, actually look happier now that he’s given up? And what does that mean for America future, when a quitter is happier than a scrapper? Could Gary Cooper ever have been happy if he’d quit? I don’t reckon so.


Romney outgunned McCain 10 to 1 in Florida, and still lost

At least we don’t have to worry about whether pore ol’ Mitt Romney was able to get his message out in Florida. Check out this WashPost story, "After Romney’s Barrage, McCain Stands Tall:"

    In Florida, as he did in other early states, Romney blanketed the airwaves with ads financed partly by his own fortune. According to Nielsen Co., Romney ran nearly 4,500 ads in Florida by Monday, compared with 470 by McCain.

How much longer do you suppose it will take Gov. Romney to get the fact that the voters aren’t buying what he’s trying to sell — or perhaps I should say, aren’t willing to sell what he’s trying to buy?

This was brought to my attention by McCain backer Bob McAlister, who observed, "It is absolutely stunning that our guy overcame such odds. I don’t know if that’s ever happened — being outgunned on the air 10 to 1 and still win convincingly. It just shows that character and integrity can still trump glitz."

Maybe this guy should do some McCain trading cards


ack on this thread weldon VII observed,

That’s a really nice picture of McCain. Who took it?

The answer to your question is, an AP photog named Charles Dharapak. Here’s the caption that moved with the photo:

Republican presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., smiles while speaking to reporters outside a polling station in St. Petersburg, Fla., Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008, on the morning of Florida’s Republican Presidential Primary. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Either that Dharapak guy is a great photographer and McCain should hire him, or the candidate himself is more photogenic now that he’s well on his way to the nomination. In any case, as evidence for both of these theories, I offer two more Dharapak images. Above, we have the "strong commander in chief" McCain. Below, we have "happy to win in Florida" McCain.

Maybe this guy should publish a serious of McCain bubble-gum trading cards. If he does, I get a cut for thinking of it — don’t I?


I can’t go home ’til McCain wins


Having commandeered one of the HDTV receivers at a 5-Points bar, I’m running a tab on Yuenglings, trying to will McCain over the finish line in Florida.

Thirty-three percent of the vote in, and still neck-and-neck with that mannequin, Romney.

At least tonight will settle Rudy "Florida Strategy" Giuliani’s hash for good. Did you read that strong endorsement of McCain in The New York Times? Way brutal to our boy Rudy…

"…a narrow, obsessively secretive, vindictive man who saw no need to limit police power. Racial polarization was as much a legacy of his tenure as the rebirth of Times Square."

No more Hizzoner in his own country.

Holding my breath over Florida

Thought y’all might be interested in the latest Zogby numbers out of Florida. I’ve been holding my breath over this one for a week:

Released: January 28, 2008
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: McCain Gets Endorsement Boost, Leads Again in Florida
Giuliani passes Huckabee; is stuck in a distant third place

UTICA, New York -– In what’s become a two-man game for the Republicans, Arizona Sen. John McCain now holds a slim lead over rival Mitt Romney while all others lag well behind in the Florida primary race, the latest Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby telephone tracking poll shows.
    Boosted by a strong endorsement from Republican Gov. Charlie Crist, McCain has 33% support, compared to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who wins 30% backing. The two leaders have been locked in a tight contest ahead of Tuesday’s election. This three-day tracking poll, which surveyed 818 likely Republican voters, carries a margin for error of +/- 3.4% and was conducted Jan. 25-27.
    Eight percent of voters remained undecided in the tight race.
    In the battle for third place, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani is once again ahead of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, 14% to 11%. Huckabee had leapt ahead of Giuliani in yesterday’s three-day tracking poll, but he gave back three points in the last 24 hours and again trails Giuliani.
    Voters who identify themselves as conservative, a group that represents more than half the sample, have also reversed themselves. After giving Romney the edge, McCain now has the support of 34% to Romney’s 33%. In yesterday’s tracking poll, Romney led among those voters with 34% of their support to McCain’s 28%. Moderate voters consistently prefer McCain, giving him 44% of their support in the most recent poll, compared to Romney’s 15%. Among “very conservative” voters, Romney fares far better, winning 48% support to McCain’s 13%. Huckabee is actually ahead of McCain among the “very conservative” voters, winning 20% support.

Save this woman’s life! Vote for McCain

Dropping by the Starbuck’s on Gervais after this morning’s McCain event, I found his national press secretary, Brooke Buchanan, standing outside smoking while other aides were inside picking up the senator’s joe. I had a rather stern chat with her about her nasty habit, and she promised to give it up as soon as Sen. McCain wins the nomination, a pledge I captured on video so she couldn’t wriggle out of it later.

So now it’s up to you, the voter. The fate of this lovely, vibrant young woman with her whole life before her (the NYT says she’s 26) is in your hands. To save her, you must vote for McCain in the Jan. 19 primary.

Doesn’t this just make the choice so much simpler?