Romney outgunned McCain 10 to 1 in Florida, and still lost

At least we don’t have to worry about whether pore ol’ Mitt Romney was able to get his message out in Florida. Check out this WashPost story, "After Romney’s Barrage, McCain Stands Tall:"

    In Florida, as he did in other early states, Romney blanketed the airwaves with ads financed partly by his own fortune. According to Nielsen Co., Romney ran nearly 4,500 ads in Florida by Monday, compared with 470 by McCain.

How much longer do you suppose it will take Gov. Romney to get the fact that the voters aren’t buying what he’s trying to sell — or perhaps I should say, aren’t willing to sell what he’s trying to buy?

This was brought to my attention by McCain backer Bob McAlister, who observed, "It is absolutely stunning that our guy overcame such odds. I don’t know if that’s ever happened — being outgunned on the air 10 to 1 and still win convincingly. It just shows that character and integrity can still trump glitz."

13 thoughts on “Romney outgunned McCain 10 to 1 in Florida, and still lost

  1. Wally Altman

    I don’t think you can chalk this one up to McCain’s greatness, since Huckabee pulled off a similar feat in Iowa. I think people just find Romney to be boring.

  2. bud

    McCain has all the big media behind him so the actual amount of campaign spending and ads is largely canceled out. It does appear that McCain has the momentum right now. Next week should decide it.

  3. Chuck

    This was brought to my attention by McCain backer Bob McAlister, who observed, “It is absolutely stunning that our guy overcame such odds. I don’t know if that’s ever happened — being outgunned on the air 10 to 1 and still win convincingly. It just shows that character and integrity can still trump glitz.”
    You were stunned Bob! I was stunned when Governor Huckabee had me enter in the Greyhound races at Daytona Beach against a dog name Mitt!
    Your good buddy Chuck Norris
    Bob! How stunned will you be when President McCain releases your great great grandson from Iraq a 100 years from now?

  4. Bmac

    Whatever! Mc”Cain” has been running for President forever. He has been in the media forever! So he doesn’t have to spend as much. Name recognition is everything in these races. Mc”Cain” is not the better candidate. Everything you could ask for in a President is what Mitt Romney offers. We are blind as Americans if we can’t see that. Mitt Romney is the American Dream. He is about everything we stand for and believe in as Americans.
    Please! I am tired of the weak attempts of Mc”Cain” to name drop and pretend he knows what he is talking about. Wake up conservatives. The time has come. At this pace we will have two democrats running against each other for President. Mc”Cain” and Clinton/Obama. Give Mitt a chance! You actually can “feel” hope when he speaks. It actually makes sense. It makes me believe that America is as great and can be as great as we dream it is.

  5. Susanna K.

    As bud points out, this shows that media trumps advertising. This is especially true in the age of TiVo and RSS.
    Brad, perhaps you could point this out to candidates when they think it’s not worth their time to show up for endorsement interviews.

  6. Richard L. Wolfe

    It sounds like the electability factor turned the tide in this race. One has to wonder if McCain could have beaten Thompson or Huckabee in a two man race. That is something we will never know. I think McCain’s mother has it right. The GOP establishment held it’s nose and decided to put the juice behind McCain. The republican race is over!

  7. weldon VII

    Gosh, guys, I hate to bring this up, but if I watched or heard 4,500 ads from one candidate, I’d vote for somebody else.
    Yeah, you got it, I’ll never buy insurance from Geico.
    There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

  8. dave faust

    I have always had the utmost respect for Bob McAlister. I think he is a principled and clear-thinking man who has the courage and intellectual wherewithal to back up his convictions.
    But…if Bob is a McCainiac who thinks that Romney is nothing but “glitz” I’m going to have to reconsider my opinion of him. Bob…say it ain’t so! David


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