Can Democrats bring themselves to reach out to those who are reachable?

TweetI’ve been meaning to share some thoughts about this Ross Douthat column of Oct. 21, headlined “The Democrats in Their Labyrinth.” Sure I think the headline was cool, although it provoked in me a twinge of guilt for never having finished that novel. (I had thought I would love it, because in 5th and 6th grades my […]

Help! We’re being buried under an avalanche of populist cliches!

Tweet Yow! I just watched this short video at Someone needs to contact the Guinness people, because this has to be the record for the most populist cliches packed into a minute and seven seconds. Wait, the phone’s ringing… It’s 2010 Nikki Haley, and she wants her Tea Party speech back… Let’s just hope […]

Man, that Tommy Pope’s looking better all the time

TweetFirst, Nikki Haley gave Ralph Norman money. Now there’s this: 5th District congressional candidate Ralph Norman got a big boost Thursday, winning the endorsement of former U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, R-Greenville. DeMint, the former head of the Heritage Foundation and a Tea Party icon, said Norman “has a proven record of fighting for conservative principles” […]

I ask you, was Odoacer a real Roman? (Answer: No, and Trump’s not a real Republican)

TweetLet’s elevate this discussion to the level of a separate post. I regularly refer to “real Republicans,” a group to which Donald J. Trump — ideologically and otherwise — does not belong. This is an important distinction. To say he’s just another Republican — as plenty of Democrats and Republicans both would have it — […]

Mulvaney shows he’s ready to play in the biglys; bats 4 Pinocchios his first time out

Tweet Some of you may have doubted that Mick Mulvaney, swept into Congress in the Tea Party wave of 2010, was ready for the majors. Well, he’s doing great by the standards of the Trump era. The Washington Post‘s Fact Checker gave him Four Pinocchios in his first at bat! White House budget director’s false […]

Open Thread for Monday, March 13, 2017

TweetFor your consideration… CBO projects 24 million more uninsured over a decade under Republican plan — OK, so that’s why Ryan didn’t want it scored by the CBO. On the other hand, this could help him with the Tea Party base, since people losing coverage is what they want. Bill allowing carrying firearms without permit advances […]

If GOP candidates are talking this way, it’s going to be a long time before things start getting better

Tweet I see that Rep. Jeff Duncan has given Chad Connelly a boost — at least, I assume it constitutes a boost — in his efforts to differentiate himself from the crowd seeking the GOP nomination for Mick Mulvaney’s seat. But that endorsement isn’t what interests me. What interests me is this language that Duncan […]

If we’re not going to be America any more, what should we call ourselves?

Tweet The Washington Post had a nice piece over the weekend about the recent history of U.S. immigration policy (“Open doors, slamming gates: The tumultuous politics of U.S. immigration policy“). It began with this anecdote: In his farewell address to the nation in 1989, President Ronald Reagan told the story of a Navy sailor patrolling […]

Nikki Haley, ambassador to the United Nations

Tweet Late on election night, the folks on PBS (Judy Woodruff, David Brooks, Mark Shields, and others), utterly flabbergasted and in desperate search for something to say, somehow got on the subject of “Whither the Republican Party?” Or something like that. I forget exactly how they got on the topic, but they got to talking […]

Drawing a connection between Trump and Tillman

TweetMy old colleague and friend Jeff Miller brought this to my attention, as he had not seen anyone draw a direct connection between Donald Trump and Ben Tillman, although he was “Surprised it took this long.” The relevant passage: As the civil-rights movement burgeoned, Wallace repositioned himself to lead the white resistance and famously declared, […]

This is rank nihilism, up with which I will not put

TweetI sent a link to this interesting editorial in The Washington Post this morning to Bryan: The rank nihilism driving the GOP’s acceptance of Trump THE PAST weekend brought yet more evidence of Donald Trump’s contempt for truth and essential political standards. Yet the reality-television star continued to consolidate GOP support, a fact punctuated by Republican […]

SC upside-down: Haley for Rubio, McMaster for Trump

TweetNikki Haley got off the fence today and backed Marco Rubio (and not poor ol’ Jeb!) in Saturday’s primary, which goes to show how weird and volatile the Republican Party is in South Carolina these days. Let’s step back a bit… In 2010, Henry McMaster was the perfect Establishment candidate for governor: A Reagan man […]

Donald Trump embraces the left’s ‘Bush lied’ lie. How is this going to play here in South Carolina?

TweetMy last post arose from Marco Rubio’s response to what Donald Trump said over the weekend, at that debate I had to stop watching. Basically, Trump repeated the left’s “Bush lied” lie: “You call it whatever you want. I wanna tell you. They lied…They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none. And they […]

The disaffected vs. the professionals

TweetI was amused by the way The Slatest described a contretemps between their guy Josh Voorhees and angry Bernie Sanders supporters: On Tuesday night, Josh Voorhees wrote that Hillary Clinton won the first Democratic presidential debate. A number of Bernie Sanders supporters subsequently wrote to Josh to inform him that he was a stupid man […]

‘Blue Bloods,’ a show that stands up for traditional values, such as… respecting each other

TweetFor years, my parents would ask me if I’d ever seen the cop drama “Blue Bloods,” and when I said I hadn’t, they urged me to check it out. They love it. Eventually, in casting about this year for a new series to get hooked on after running out of “The West Wing,” I tried it. […]