A visit from the speaker

Tweet Well, it's begun. The Legislature convenes next Tuesday, and in anticipation of that, House Speaker Bobby Harrell came by to see us yesterday afternoon. On his mind were the following: Number one, the economy. Emphasizing the state's alarming unemployment rate, he said he recently met with Commerce Secretary Joe Taylor to express the speaker's […]

Well, I guess he showed THEM who the big ol’ hairy Speaker is

TweetOne day not too long ago, a business-leader type, discussing reform legislation of some sort, said within my hearing that if David Wilkins were Speaker of the S.C. House today, you’d see some action on the bill in question — implying that Bobby Harrell isn’t the Speaker his predecessor was. Well, I may not be […]

Does the gender of lawmakers matter to YOU?

TweetJust got a post-election e-mail from the Southeastern Institute for Women in Politics, which had also hit me with releases a number of times before Tuesday. Here’s the gist: Congratulations to all of the brave female candidates running in South Carolina and their support teams. Women made progress in the South Carolina House of Representatives, […]

My predictions

TweetHere are my predictions as to what I think will happen on the contested races that we dealt with in our endorsements. As always, endorsements are about who should win, not who will win. To fill that vacuum — and to help you see the difference — here are my prognostications (in which I place […]

Our 2008 endorsements favor GOP; overall record still tilts to Dems

TweetThis is an all-things-to-all-people post. Those of you who think we’re just another bunch of wild-eyed liberals who only back Democrats, just read this paragraph! I’ve done the count on this year’s endorsements (which you can go read here), and here’s the final count: We endorsed 8 Republicans (John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Joe Wilson, Nikki […]

This could be a ‘bad’ year for our endorsees

TweetTurning away from the presidential endorsement to the endorsements that we here on the board actually spend more of our staff time on — the state legislative and county races — this may not be a good year for our endorsees. Now mind you, "not… a good year" is a relative thing. Typically, close to […]

Club for Growth’s preferred S.C. candidates

TweetJust got this from Matt Moore, who is the new Joshua Gross at the S.C. Club for Growth (more on Joshua shortly). It includes the Club’s approved incumbents for re-election: February 21, 2008FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Matt Moore SC Club for Growth State Action PAC Endorses Seventeen Legislators for June Primaries Columbia, SC – Today, the […]

Open Thread for Thursday, May 31, 2018

Tweet A few topics you might have interest in talking about: Trump imposes tariffs on closest allies, Mexico and Europe announce retaliation — Hey, if it’s stupid, pointless, malicious and harms the country’s long-term interests, he’ll do it.. Nikki’s op-ed about the children of South Sudan — Nicholas Kristof tweeted, “Good for Ambssador @nikkihaley writing […]

Catherine Templeton’s gun problem

Tweet Conservative Outsider and Republican Gubernatorial candidate Catherine Templeton (which I’ve come to think of as her full legal name, based on her campaign’s releases) is talking tough on guns again: “I’ll be on the Bobby Mac show on 106.3 WORD radio at 5:07 pm today to discuss tomorrow’s statewide school walkouts. They’re designed to push the liberal gun control agenda. […]

Open Thread for Tuesday, May 31, 2016

TweetHad to retype that after writing “Monday.” Such days are confusing. Some possible topics: Haley to endorse opponents of Senate veterans Leatherman and Rankin — This one’s kind of old news, but I needed something local for the mix. I don’t know about you, but even odious lawmakers can get my sympathy when governors decide to […]

Just the facts, ma’am — please

TweetCindi Scoppe’s picking on my girl Nikki again, and unfortunately, she deserves it. Did you see Cindi’s column Thursday? FOR ALL THE good she has done on several issues, Gov. Haley retains two deeply troubling flaws: her disregard for the rule of law and her disinterest in the truth…. During a visit to a Columbia […]

Lawmakers hope to see more cooperation, building upon the summer

TweetThis morning, ADCO had a table at the latest Columbia Regional Business Report’s Power Breakfast. This one was about looking ahead to the coming legislative session, and featured a panel of lawmakers — Reps. Nathan Ballentine and Joe Neal, and Sens. Joel Lourie, Katrina Shealy and Ronnie Cromer. (Bryan Caskey joined me at the ADCO […]

Call your legislators, urge them to get flag down ASAP

Tweet This passage in Cindi’s editorial yesterday gigged me to take action: Gov. Haley’s call to action was an important step, but it was a mere first step. Our legislators voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to allow themselves to engage this issue this summer. But with every passing day, they will hear from more constituents whose […]

ICYMI: Our governor as the Khaleesi

TweetSince most of y’all don’t follow my Twitter feed, I thought I’d share this one, which I put out while cooking out on the deck yesterday: Governor says of GOP, “Where’s MY army?” She thinks she’s the Khaleesi… “Haley’s hard line could prove costly” http://t.co/TeSOOe5A3P — Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) May 10, 2015 How else to […]

Some Tweets, observations from the 2015 SC GOP convention

Tweet I always feel a bit ill-at-ease at political party gatherings. While there are always plenty of people I enjoy seeing and chatting with, the thing that they all have in common, that party thing, always makes me feel like a stranger in a strange land. I spared myself the state Democratic convention a couple […]

Wait a second — why was the GOVERNOR announcing that Paul McCartney was coming?

Tweet I saw the news today, and oh, boy was I puzzled. I got the part about the lucky man who made the grade, but… Apparently, I wasn’t the only one wondering this this morning: I’m confused. Why did the GOVERNOR announce McCartney was coming? What did she have to do with it? http://t.co/UNBrfiJiK9 — […]