One editorial (or the next best thing) coming right up

Fridays are tough around here — finishing up all the weekend pages and such. A week like this is tougher than usual, since we have an extra day’s worth that needs to be done in advance, what with Monday being Yankee Memorial Day and all.

So when a call was forwarded to me from the publisher’s office, from a reader asking that we do an editorial on a subject of her choosing, we didn’t exactly drop everything and do so. Not that there was anything wrong with the subject or the point she was trying to make. In fact, my colleague who is the duty worrier about foodstuffs said "she’s right" — and we went back to work.

But before I go home tonight, it occurs to me that this lady can just do her own editorial — in fact, she’s already done it, and here it is: the phone message she left.

Sure, it’s not technically an editorial, since it’s this caller’s view and not that of the editorial board. But still, it’s something. Think of it as a kind of cool new way to do letters to the editor. Only this one’s anonymous, and we don’t allow that with letters. Anonymous, but — in keeping with our rules around here — within the bounds.

I’m having fun now that I’ve sorta kinda figured out how to do audio on here. And in this instance, I help this lady, it’s put exactly the way she wanted to put it, and I don’t have to check the facts — because it’s her message, not mine.

Ain’t modern technology wonderful?

2 thoughts on “One editorial (or the next best thing) coming right up

  1. Brad Warthen

    Wonderful. So I come home after another 12-hour Friday (this one wasn’t so bad though; at around 3 I found a few seconds to microwave some leftovers and call it lunch), and I go back in to polish this hurried entry a bit, and I find a comment from a troll, and everyone’s very favorite kind — the kind with no sense of irony whatsoever, and enough hostility to start his/her own jihad.
    I unpublished it. It was from a first-timer, or someone impersonating a first-timer. Anyway, any more like that, and it will be a last-timer.

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