Rick Beltram’s version, with apologies

Oops — I just found this in my much-neglected external e-mail account. I was sent to me a week ago by Rick Beltram, in response to this version of events by Zeke Stokes. Rick had called to ask if I’d post something in response, and I said send it to me, and he sent it, and I called it up, but I couldn’t post it right that second because I was doing about four things, and it got buried in subsequent messages almost immediately.

And my dog ate it.

Anyway, here it is:

  I read with great interest the letter that you posted from Zeke Stokes!
  The letter although very touching and a bit humble is a complete fable.  I
first brought the concept of a complaint to the attention of the PRESS and
the REX campaign; before the end of the campaign in October 2006.  Instead
of Stokes backing down at the point; he ramped up the e-mails through the
end of the campaign.
  Although, he claims that others were doing the same thing no evidence can
support his claim; plus the fact that the Dems have had since June 2006
until  present to file an Ethics Complaint.  Nothing has ever been
  However, my challenge to Stokes is to "undo" his guilty plea and let us
have a true Hearing.
  I was extremely disappointed in his cowardly actions.  He needs to stand
like a man and have a fair and OPEN hearing.  I can assure you and your
readers that the evidence that we submitted is so strong that if Stokes
would ever submit to a hearing; in my humble opinion, he will need to leave
any political career behind him in SC and move on!

— Rick Beltram

2 thoughts on “Rick Beltram’s version, with apologies

  1. Randy E

    I believe but am not positive that I (high school teacher) received emails from different campaigns. Rex’s did send the most which makes sense. As a group we would not be inclined to side with someone like Floyd who ran commercials calling our schools the “worst in the nation” based on a single measure – the SAT.

  2. zeke stokes

    It’s tempting to enter a war of words with Mr. Beltram, but I quickly become discouraged, as he comes to the table so ill-prepared. So, I suppose I’ll just have to settle once again for using facts to dispel his fantasy.
    I have in my possession, as do thousands of teachers and other state employees, copies of emails that were sent to their email addresses from campaigns run by both Republicans and Democrats during 2006. Unlike Mr. Beltram, however, I chose not to waste the time of the State Ethics Commission, and the taxdollars it would take them, to investigate such meritless, politically motivated complaints.
    Wake up, Mr. Beltram. The election is over. Perhaps you should concentrate on insulting the wives of Republican presidential candidates, and leave the real work of moving South Carolina forward to those with the vision and the intelligence to actually accomplish something.
    Zeke Stokes

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