‘These polls mean nothing:’ How Joe Biden believes he can win


ere’s video from our meeting today with Joe Biden. Obviously, we spent most of the time on issues — particularly talking about his "federalist" plan for Iraq, which got a big boost in the Senate last week — but I’ll have to pore through all that footage later.

In the meantime, I want to put up a couple of clips in which the candidate talks about his viability, despite his currently dismal showing in the polls.

On the clip, Sen. Biden cites three recent articles about him. Here are links to them:

  1. The National Journal piece headlined, "Joe Biden, The Grown-Up In The Race."
  2. The David Broder column from over the weekend (which mentions Biden several times, but wasn’t actually about him)
  3. The Frank Rich column expressing some doubts about Hillary Clinton.

2 thoughts on “‘These polls mean nothing:’ How Joe Biden believes he can win

  1. Brad Warthen

    Oops! I just realized that I cut the reference to the Broder and Rich pieces out of this clip. But they’ll be coming up in a second clip, which I will post momentarily.

  2. Doug Ross

    If The State endorses Joe Biden, it will be a waste of newsprint.
    If you’re going to do it, just write one sentence: “We know he can’t win but we’re smarter than you are”


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