We wuz robbed! Pass me the potato chips…

Can’t South Carolina be first at anything? Now I see that we’re only fifth in the country when it comes to obesity,something I could have sworn we could do better than anybody:

Washington, D.C. August 19, 2008 – South Carolina was named the 5th most obese state in America according to the fifth annual F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing in America, 2008 report from the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).  The state’s adult obesity rate is 29.2 percent, an increase for the third year in a row.
     Nationally, adult obesity rates rose in 37 states in the past year. Rates rose for a second consecutive year in 24 states and for a third consecutive year in 19 states. No state saw a decrease.  Though many promising policies have emerged to promote physical activity and good nutrition in communities, the report concludes that they are not being adopted or implemented at levels needed to turn around this health crisis….

Now I suppose we could get all petulant about this and demand a recount, but that would show a poor attitude. There’s nothing to do but to pass the potato chips and try harder

OK, yes, I know — this is a deadly serious manner. It’s just that we hear so much bad news, and we seem to do so little to make things better, even when we know better, that one lapses into irony out of sheer frustration, to keep from going mad. Or from going madder, anyway.

8 thoughts on “We wuz robbed! Pass me the potato chips…

  1. Lee Muller

    Just restrict the types of food which can be bought with WIC and Food Stamps to vegetables, dried beans, rice, grits, unsweetened cereal, and dairy products, but no ice cream or sweets.

  2. Richard L. Wolfe

    Staying thin is easy. Drink plenty of water, Coffee and tea. Smoke cigarettes and get off your fat behind and do some manuel labor instead of sitting around on the computer trying to take away other people’s rights!

  3. Doug Ross

    I tried. I did everything humanly possible to help us be #1. I’m sorry. Now let me get back to my fried Oreos.

  4. bud

    With gasoline prices high I simply find it unbelievable that people still wait in long drive through lines to pick up fast food. I guess that way you can kill 2 birds with one stone. Fatten yourself up while also wasting gasoline.

  5. Brad Warthen

    Indeed, bud — there we’re perfectly agreed.
    But Richard — was that some sort of crack about illegal aliens in the workplace? Manuel Labor?
    Show me your passport, Senor Labor…

  6. kathryn Fenner

    Why do I read these comments? If there were any scientifically-validated healthy strategy (ha ha Richard Wolfe–crystal meth or cocaine are said to be even more effective) to lose weight, believe me, I’d do it. In the last thirty years, I have tried every supposedly effective strategy with little lasting success. Gina Kolata of the New York Times recently wrote a piece about how pretty much nothing works long term in dealing with obesity, short of, perhaps, major surgery–and often even not then. I exercise far more, eat far better, but don’t skip meals and do use measured portions, and drink far less than any of my skinny friends, some of whom smoke, yet if you saw me, you’d probably assume I eat fast food while ensconced in a Barcalounger in front of my giant TV all day. Even Cindi Scoppe has admitted how hard it is for her and she behaves reportedly, from an anti-obesity standpoint, pretty close to perfectly.
    I sure wish the media would stop jumping on the obesity-bashing bandwagon until reliable peer-reviewed science can tell me how to get and stay thin.

  7. Lee Muller

    Before Food Stamps, WIC and the plethora of welfare programs, when many people of low education had to work manual labor on farms and construction sites, you didn’t see anything like the number of obese people you see today.
    There were very few obese children even into the 1960s. They played outside, away from the TV, walked and rode bikes instead of being driven around in minivans.

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