I’ll be there; I look forward to it

Got this invitation from Wesley Donehue, in response to all this.

Thanks, Wesley. I’ll be there. Wednesday evening. I look forward to the discussion…

3 thoughts on “I’ll be there; I look forward to it

  1. Phillip

    Please tell Mr.Donehue that he is confusing the “medium” with “the media.” In other words, the fact that blogs, the internet, YouTube, Facebook, etc., have to some degree supplanted the role formerly occupied by TV and print newspapers does not negate the role that a free press must play in a free democratic society.

    That role is essential whether or not “the media” takes the form of “old” or “new” media (ex., blogger-journalists). And that role is to be part of the TWO-WAY conversation between government and the governed. That some in office may have the ability (and the preference) to communicate directly to constituents through the new media does NOT absolve them from the responsibility of facing tough questions, whether those questions come from old or new media sources.

    Beyond that, I would ask Mr. Donehue two follow-ups: 1) whether he believes that Barack Obama should be allowed to define transparency in the same way he thinks Gov. Haley should; and 2) how Mr. Donehue’s “we’ll tell you when we’re being transparent, the press does not get to define transparency” philosophy would make this supposed democracy any different from the operating philosophy of a China, or even of an Iran, or any place where the leaders prefer to issue one-way communications to the governed and insulation from inconvenient (and yes, sometimes annoying) questions from the media.

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