Yeah, maybe a little TMI from my main man Joe

Speaking of serious matters of faith intersecting with politics in disturbing ways…

I was all prepared to stick up for my main man Joe Lieberman today when I saw that Taegan Goddard of Political Wire had said, “Joe Lieberman talks about what he was doing all those Saturdays… probably too much information.” I was like, Hey, I like to hear Joe talk

But then I saw what he was referring to:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) talks to NY1 about his new book, The Gift of Rest: Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath, and gives this surprising bit of detail:

“If I may come close to the edge, as I say in the book, the rabbis, in all their brilliance, did create, oh, a couple of thousand years ago, one of the things that should happen on the sabbath is that husbands and wives are to be together, sexually, just in case you missed that during the week.”

Yeah, OK. More than I needed to know.

3 thoughts on “Yeah, maybe a little TMI from my main man Joe

  1. bud

    Wow Brad. When it’s one of your guys you sure do minimize what is obviously a completely inappropriate statement. What damn business is it of a Rabbi or Joe Lieberman to suggest married people have sex on the Sabbath? Pleez, get this guy out of here.


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