The big news in South Florida tonight

This is the big news in these parts tonight:

The company that manufactures Mercedes-Benz luxury cars unleashed outrage among Cuban-Americans in Miami and other cities on Thursday for using the image of Argentine revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara to promote their vehicles.

While Daimler AG, the German company which controls Mercedes-Benz, quickly apologized for the use of the image in a presentation in Las Vegas this week, the damage was done.

Many Cuban exiles in South Florida who have fled the island since Fidel Castro took power with the help of Guevara in 1959 not only rejected the ad campaign but also expressed disgust that such a prestigious company would use the image of the revolutionary blamed for executions and implementation of communism on the island…

Oh, one other thing. Apparently, Mitt Romney was down this way (remember, I’m in Key West) today campaigning. Sounds like somebody’s taking South Carolina for granted, a little bit.

7 thoughts on “The big news in South Florida tonight

  1. `Kathryn Fenner

    Oiks–what genius thought that Che and luxury sedan are two great things that go great together?

  2. Silence

    Che is the greatest T-shirt salesman that the world has ever known. Why wouldn’t he be able to sell luxury cars as well? Of course, Norton Motorcycles might have been a better fit than Mercedes Benz…

  3. martin

    Love the Mercedes symbol on the beret. And, a very flattering photo of Che.

    The Cuban Americans make me sick and have for a long time.

  4. Bart

    “Love the Mercedes symbol on the beret. And, a very flattering photo of Che.

    The Cuban Americans make me sick and have for a long time.” …martin

    About as sensitive as a loud fart in church or at a funeral.

    When I was in high school, one of the refugees who would be considered a Cuban American was in classes with me. She told us about life under the new, enlightened regime of Castro and how your apparent hero, Che, was a sadistic,sick, and murderous leader and a favorite of Castro.

    People who idolize these so-called revolutionary heroes make me sick.

  5. martin

    Bart, Che and Fidel weren’t a whole lot worse than the dictator they overthrew. It’s just that the Cuban American “refugees” were on that dictators side.

  6. Bart

    Sorry, my friend in high school and her family were not high on Batista either. And, after Castro took over, according to her family left in Cuba, when they could get a message out, what was not reported, news blackout, was 10 times worse than it ever was under Batista.

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