This morning, I saw this on Twitter from Tom Davis:
Thanks, Ed Eichelberger, for this video of my speech at Tuesday’s nullification rally at the S. C. State House.
“Nullification rally?” Is that what was going on when I passed by on Tuesday.? Wait, let me go check. No, I was right: This is 2013, and not 1832…
I didn’t have time to look at the video until tonight. Before I wrap up for today, I want to take note of it here. We must all remember this when Tom runs against Lindsey Graham next year. If he does. Or when he runs for anything in the future.
I have always liked Tom Davis personally, and I have been very disturbed to see his steady descent into fringe extremism.
In case you don’t have time to watch it all, some lowlights:
- “Lee Bright’s absolutely right.“
- Launching on a history lesson — neoConfederates are big on condescendingly explaining their version of history to the rest of us, and Tom is picking up their habits — he says that George Washington was president in 1800. No, Tom, he wasn’t. Kind of makes you want to double-check all the other stuff he says. In case you didn’t already know to do that.
- He says, with fierce, defensive passion, that as a South Carolinian he is “proud of John C. Calhoun,” whom he characterizes as “a great man who has been maligned far too long.”
- “You have the intellectual high ground here.” This to the assembled nullificationists.
- “I can’t do anything right now up in Congress…” As opposed to later, I guess.
- “This state has a proud tradition of leaders stepping up and holding aloft the candle of liberty at a time when things were darkest.” Really? I would like to have heard an elaboration on that, with names and dates, so I can understand how Tom is defining “liberty” these days.