‘Doctors for Sheheen,’ and more on the Medicaid expansion that wasn’t

TweetThis release came over the transom last night: Sheheen Campaign Launches “Doctors for Sheheen” Doctors want an honest leader like Vincent Sheheen who puts South Carolinians ahead of personal political gain  Camden, SC – Today, Sheheen for South Carolina launched “Doctors for Sheheen,” a grassroots effort uniting Democratic and Republican doctors and medical professionals from […]

If I were Sheheen, I’m not sure I’d WANT more debates

TweetJust got this release from Vincent Sheheen’s campaign: Sheheen Calls for Four Additional Debates Democratic gubernatorial candidate confirms participation in both Post & Courier debates, works with Myrtle Beach Area Chamber to push for Grand Strand, Midlands, Aiken & Rock Hill as well. Camden, SC – Today, Sen. Vincent Sheheen called for open gubernatorial debates […]

Erwin touting his ‘mo’ in new poll

TweetYou know that ARG poll I mentioned yesterday? Well, Tom Ervin is very proud of the progress it shows for his campaign: NEW POLL SHOWS THREE-WAY RACE, TOM WITH MOMENTUM    Greenville, S.C. —  The Tom Ervin campaign issued the following statement in response to the poll conducted by American Research Group: “This poll shows […]

Business Insider sees S.C. economy as 5th worst in U.S.

Tweet The South Carolina Democratic Party is touting this story (“Nikki Haley claims South Carolina’s economy is booming, but don’t be fooled by her smoke and mirrors,” etc.), but I found it sort of interesting in its own right. It’s a list from Business Insider ranking the respective states’ economies from worst to first. We […]

Ervin to participate in gubernatorial debates

TweetThis just in… Tom Ervin Accepts Invitation to S.C. Gubernatorial Debates    Greenville, S.C. — Independent Republican Tom Ervin accepts The Post and Courier’s invitation to participate in the South Carolina gubernatorial debates. “We accept The Post and Courier’s invitation to a series of debates because we believe South Carolina voters deserve the opportunity to hear […]

STILL no victims of Department of Revenue breach

TweetWhen an alert reader brought this to my attention, I thought that maybe I’d been wrong about no one yet being harmed by the huge SC Department of Revenue security breach. In other words, maybe Vincent Sheheen was in “luck,” in that there was a rich vein of wronged taxpayers out there ready to channel […]

Little-noticed fact: Sheheen has had a stellar legislative year

TweetI don’t disagree with any of the “experts” who say Nikki Haley is the favorite to win the gubernatorial election this year. But I do take exception to this observation: The panelists stopped short of criticizing Sheheen, whom Winthrop University political science professor Scott Huffmon called “a great candidate” because he came so close to […]

One of the MANY problems with political parties

TweetGot this email today from the SC Democratic Party: Brad-We’ve got just three more hours until our 5 pm deadline, and we still need your help to hit our goal.Hitting this goal will bring us one step closer to defeating Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham this fall!Are you ready to help? Chip in now! If you’ve saved […]

No comment from Sheheen on refugee children

TweetOn Saturday, July 26, while on vacation, I posted “The pettiest thing I’ve ever heard Nikki Haley say,” which referred specifically to this comment about the refugee children from Central America being billeted in South Carolina: “You want me to educate them, right? And you want me to pay their health care, right? It does […]

Our governor’s mature, calm, professional op-ed piece

TweetDuring my vacation last week, I saw Nikki Haley’s op-ed piece taking issue with an editorial that took issue with her, shall we say, lack of precision with facts and figures. An excerpt from the Haley piece: The State newspaper’s editorial board recently reminded its readers that they should verify the things I say (“There she goes again,” […]

Poll: Ervin could play decisive role in gubernatorial race

TweetOver the last couple of days, I’ve gotten a couple of releases from SC Democrats saying Sen. Vincent Sheheeh was in a DEAD HEAT with Gov. Nikki Haley. So finally, I asked “Which poll?” and was directed to this one by the Post and Courier and three TV stations. The lede: COLUMBIA – South Carolina […]

Sheheen’s plan for roads (first, no gas tax increase, which is a BAD thing…)

TweetVincent Sheheen has presented his plan for fixing roads in South Carolina, and right off the bat, he loses me by saying he wouldn’t do the most obvious thing that needs to be done — increase the gas tax in order to pay for it all. Here’s his release: Sheheen Releases Plan to Rebuild Roads […]

Obamacare ruling: WOW, talk about a lack of perspective!

TweetThere’s some big news out of a federal appeals court in D.C., and I am just stunned by the lack of perspective in the way The Washington Post is reporting it: A federal appeals court panel in the District struck down a major part of the 2010 health-care law Tuesday, ruling that the tax subsidies that are […]

Is there a war on transparency in South Carolina?

TweetThere was an unmistakable theme running through different items in The State this morning — a tale of government transparency on retreat. South Carolina has never been on what you’d call the cutting edge of openness in government. After having worked for years under Tennessee’s wide-open Sunshine Law, I was deeply shocked when I got […]

The importance of understanding politicians (and media types) as people

TweetHaving heard my limit of cynical statements bordering on paranoia, I resolved, on live radio over the weekend, to do The Most Daring Thing a Journalist Can Ever Do. I decided to stick up for politicians. And for the media, for that matter. I learned long ago, well before I started blogging, that the surest […]

SC GOP leaders back reauthorization of Ex-Im Bank

TweetSouth Carolina’s top Republicans are all signing on for reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank, breaking with the “conservative” wing of their party in the U.S. House: Governor Haley, Senators Graham and Scott Support Ex-Im Bank Reauthorization WASHINGTON – South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott have written to congressional leaders […]

Post and Courier on infrastructure funding

TweetThe Charleston paper had a commonsense editorial Sunday on road funding. The thrust, basically, is that pols need to stop tiptoeing around what needs to be done, and what needs to be done is to raise the gas tax. Excerpts: Gov. Nikki Haley has a plan for highway funding that is long on promise and […]