On Haley and Sheheen on the ethics bill

TweetThis could be a moment to pause and celebrate something. Not the ethics bill that passed the state Senate yesterday (I’ll let Cindi Scoppe tell you about its inadequacies, as she did in this column and this one), but the fact that both candidates for governor are vocal in calling it inadequate: COLUMBIA, SC — […]

An iconoclastic ode to grubby politics

TweetThis is a fascinating piece, good because it dares to be iconoclastic. (We’re not supposed to say, or even think, such things in the post-Watergate world.) I want to quote the whole thing, and you should go read the whole thing, but here are key passages: Having governed by intimidation, punishment, cronyism, patronage, and legal […]

SC Christian Action Council’s prayer for Medicaid expansion

TweetYou may have read about the two rallies regarding health care, on opposite sides of the State House on the Legislature’s first day back. I was just cleaning out email, and noted that, in inviting folks to the pro-Medicaid expansion rally, the SC Christian Action Council invited everyone, whether they could make it or not, […]

Mia stirred up again, this time over what she sees as pseudo-religious hypocrisy

TweetThe latest release from the often-indignant Rep. Mia McLeod: Must we be hypocrites about everything in this state?   I mean…since we wanna wear the “Bible Belt” like a badge of honor, shouldn’t some of our actions reflect it? As we head into the 2014 legislative session one week from today, I pray that our elected leaders will one day practice […]

U.S. House passes bipartisan budget deal without childish theatrics. No really; I’m not making this up…

TweetSee, you can read about it in black and white: The House passed an 2-year bipartisan budget deal Thursday evening, possibly signaling a truce in the spending showdowns that have paralyzed Washington for the past three years. Approval of the budget was the House’s final action of 2013. Earlier Thursday, lawmakers agreed unanimously to approve […]

Rep. James Smith on why he’s for strong-mayor

TweetHere’s a release I received today from Rep. James Smith: There are many good people who care about the future of the City of Columbia on both sides of the debate about our city’s form of government.  Please allow me to tell you why I’m VOTING YES for a Strong Mayor tomorrowand I hope you will […]

A wonderfully temperate and respectful speech on an emotional issue

Tweet Andrew Sullivan embedded this video from the Scottish parliament earlier this week because he saw it as “The Conservative Case For Marriage Equality.” I was impressed with it for another reason: It was so thoughtful, mature and respectful to people who might disagree. We don’t see a lot of that on this side of […]

The historical anomaly of postwar bipartisan cooperation

TweetI just posted something bemoaning the fact that the concept of a “loyal opposition” is fading away, reminiscing about how things were different in the Good Old Days. Which, I know, irritates some of y’all. So, as compensation, I’ll write about a good piece I read this morning by Michael Barone that points out that […]

Image vs. reality: The utter powerlessness of the mayor of Columbia

Tweet I thought this was an interesting contrast. Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin’s re-election campaign sent out the above video, showing the mayor standing before a group of cops — the city’s anti-gang unit — and talking tough about how gangs won’t be tolerated (when he’s not talking about reaching out to troubled youth who are […]

Benjamin says Randolph charges shouldn’t be dropped, and Wilson shouldn’t have run to the scene

TweetI thought this was an interesting thing for a major running for re-election to do. He sent out a release weighing in on a controversial recent arrest by the city’s police department: Keep Politics Out of Policing July 24, 2013, Columbia, SC Dear friends, As you know, public safety has and continues to be my […]

In speaking about race and justice in America, Obama makes good use of bully pulpit, only without the ‘bully’ part

Tweet This story about the speech in the WSJ this morning summed up the challenge: The remarks, delivered without a teleprompter, were a striking example of America’s first black president seeking to guide the country’s thinking on race without inflaming racial tensions or undermining the judicial system. He managed to do that, and he did […]

Sheheen makes it official: He’s running for governor again

TweetI’ve been in meetings all day and haven’t been able even to stop and think about this, but I thought I’d put up a post so y’all can start commenting on it if you choose. Here’s a news story, and below is the release in its entirety: Sheheen Takes Steps to Form Gubernatorial Campaign State […]

New Pope hugs trees, atheists — and some hug back

TweetI’ve finally found something online backing up what I heard on the radio yesterday afternoon. It was Pope Francis embracing people of all faiths, and atheists as well, as allies in practicing good stewardship of the Earth: VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis extended a hand to those who don’t belong to any religion, urging them […]

Vincent Sheheen kicks off 2014 campaign, apparently…

Tweet This came in about an hour ago: Sheheen Kicks Off “Back on Track” Tour State Senator will discuss ideas for moving South Carolina forward and his new book “The Right Way” in three-week statewide tour Rock Hill, SC. – Today, state Sen. Vincent Sheheen kicks off the Palmetto State “Back on Track” tour at […]

Howie Rich complains about ‘hit piece’ on him in The State

TweetA blog post at SC Schools Report brings my attention to a letter that Sen. Kevin Bryant received from his fan Howie Rich. Here it is: Dear Kevin, First of all congratulations on the “A+” ranking you received this month from the S.C. Club for Growth. I understand you’ve received the highest score in the […]

The utter pettiness of public life in our times

Tweet As a young man, Abraham Lincoln fretted that there was no opportunity for his generation to accomplish anything important; gone were the days in which the founders had risen to the great challenge of establishing the nation. Here’s an early passage from Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, which I finally […]