The UnParty gets a plug in a question to Nikki

Tweet Last week, I posted a fun bit of video from Vincent Sheheen’s Rotary appearance. Here’s one from the Q&A party of Nikki Haley’s speaking engagement before the same group this week. At least, it was fun for me. Note that while Rotarian Julian Walker’s question doesn’t actually say “UnParty,” there’s no question that he […]

I just hope he’s a better accountant than Nikki

TweetCatching up with my e-mail, I see this came in this morning: Truth In Politics Announces Forensic Accounting Expert COLUMBIA, SC- Conservatives for Truth in Politics announced today that Charleston CPA, Ellie Thomas, has joined the group as its CPA.  He will join Ms. Cyndi Mosteller, former 1st Vice Chair of the SC Republican Party […]

Poll shows Sheheen starting to gain on Haley

TweetAs I said earlier about the Crantford survey — I don’t know whether this is right, but I certainly hope it is. This just in from the Sheheen campaign: A new poll released today proves what we already knew – Vincent Sheheen has captured the momentum in the race to be South Carolina’s next governor. […]

The counter-Haley insurgency within the GOP goes mainstream (but sotto voce)

TweetRepublicans who are enamored of their gubernatorial nominee can dismiss Cyndi Mosteller (sister of close Sanford ally Chip Campsen) if they like. But they’ll have a bit of trouble shrugging off this missive from their own Speaker of the House: PLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO ALL REPUBLICANS YOU KNOW. Dear Friends, This Election Year there […]

Haley 45%, Sheheen 41%: Are the voters starting to pay attention?

TweetI don’t know whether to be greatly encouraged or suspicious at the numbers. I’m going to choose to be cautiously encouraged by the poll numbers I learned about this morning from Tim Kelly’s blog: A new poll completed just last evening shows some significant positive movement for Vincent Sheheen, with the race a virtual dead […]

About that “business endorsement” Nikki got…

TweetAs you know, the premiere organization for South Carolina’s business leadership, the state Chamber of Commerce, is backing Vincent Sheheen for governor — as are most serious people who know how the world works and care about the future of this state. Nikki Haley keeps looking for ways to counter the fact that she, a […]

Better to ask questions about Nikki NOW than after it’s too late

TweetThe emergence of this small band of Republicans daring to ask the questions that every Republican — as well as every independent and Democrat — should be asking themselves about Nikki Haley (there’s little point of asking them of Nikki) is interesting. On the one hand, it seems a spur-of-the-moment thing. “Conservatives for Truth in […]

Don’t miss Cindi’s package comparing Nikki’s & Vincent’s records

TweetThis afternoon, a friend who is an experienced observer of South Carolina politics asked me whether I’d read Cindi Scoppe’s package on today’s editorial page comparing the records of Nikki Haley and Vincent Sheheen. I said no, but I had glanced at it, which pretty much told me everything I needed to know. Or rather, […]

Nikki and the “slush fund:” Belly up to the trough

TweetHave you seen the latest Nikki Haley ad? As I said in a comment yesterday: Wow. Did you see that incredibly weak, intelligence-insulting ad that Nikki released attacking Vincent? It’s all about attacking him as a “liberal,” a “Columbia Insider” and a “trial lawyer. So there you have it: Vincent criticizes Nikki for things that she […]

Nikki vs. Vincent, by the ounce

TweetAs I occasionally have to clarify here, I’m about commentary, not reporting. You want reporting, go someplace else. I haven’t been a reporter in 30 years. You want an opinion writer who’s primarily a reporter, see Cindi Scoppe. She’s one of the best. (Her column today is a good example of that quality; I may […]

Apparently, the government had a really, really HARD time taking a dollar from Nikki

TweetAlert reader J brings our attention to this AP story, which shows that not only can Nikki, the accounting whiz (just ask her; she’ll tell you), not pay her personal taxes on time, but neither could the business for which she acted as bookkeeper: COLUMBIA, S.C. — A business owned by the family of South […]

Differences between Haley, Sheheen on education spending

TweetDoug was talking about differences between Nikki Haley and Vincent Sheheen on education spending on a previous post, and it reminded me that I wanted to share with you this Mike Fitts piece on an important difference between the gubernatorial candidates in that area: Sen. Vincent Sheheen sees an opportunity to change the balance of […]

Haley wants to drop one thing Sanford did right

TweetI’m with Mark Sanford on this one: Last week, Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley said she would do away with detailed executive budgets, which were typically ignored due to the acrimony between Sanford and lawmakers. Instead, Haley said, she would set a small list of priorities and work with lawmakers during the process. In a […]

Nikki wants us to know: She’s packin’ heat

TweetOr at least, she’s authorized to pack heat, and wants to make sure we know it. This release was sent out today: Gun Owners of America endorses Nikki Haley for governor Grassroots organization praises Republican candidate for protecting 2nd Amendment rights COLUMBIA, S.C. – State Rep. Nikki Haley, Republican candidate for governor, has earned the […]

Read Cindi’s latest column about Nikki’s “whoppers”

TweetSince I griped about the lede headline in The State today (and I wasn’t picking on John there, it was just the headline that got me), I want to direct you, with my warm approval, to Cindi Scoppe’s latest today. The subject: Nikki Haley’s habit of misleading, and just generally saying stuff that isn’t true. […]

A closer look at Nikki’s idea of fiscal responsibility

Tweet Turning from Nikki Haley’s foot-dragging on transparency regarding her taxpayer-issued computer and e-mails, let’s take another look at her problems with paying her taxes on time. This is particularly relevant because of her oft-stated wish that government be run like a business, and her touting of her proven skills as an accountant. Let’s take […]

Democrats start clock ticking on Haley

Tweet Today I got this from the S.C. Democratic Party: Dems Challenge Nikki Haley:  Where Are Your Emails? Sanford disciple says she’s “compiling” taxpayer-funded email for release; what’s she hiding? COLUMBIA- It’s been three days since The State reported that Nikki Haley, Mark Sanford’s favorite to succeed him asGovernor, was “compiling” her taxpayer-funded email for […]

Is that the best Haley can do? Bring up Obama? Wow, that is truly lame…

TweetThere wasn’t much new in The State‘s recap Sunday of how Vincent Sheheen is pretty much thrashing Nikki Haley on her signature issues (transparency and business savvy) — nothing much you couldn’t have read here the middle of last week. But I was struck by the unbelievably lame response recorded from the Haley campaign: For […]

Way to go, Vincent. Can you catch up now, Nikki?

TweetI’m glad to see Vincent Sheheen took my advice. OK, so maybe he didn’t do it because I advised it; likely he figured it out for himself. In any case, I was glad to see this release come in on my Blackberry today: VINCENT SHEHEEN RELEASES SENATE EMAILS “Sheheen calls on Haley for transparency and […]

Nikki’s business meeting in Greenville

TweetStill haven’t heard from anyone who attended Nikki’s meeting today to shore up her business relations, but The Greenville News took a stab at finding out what happened at a similar meeting up their way. An excerpt: Republican gubernatorial nominee Nikki Haley has met privately at least twice with Greenville business leaders and assured them […]