Nikki Haley was asked to help save the country. She refused.

Tweet Having been out of town travelling, the first thing I read about Nikki Haley’s most-newsworthy revelation in her book took a sort of second-day, second-guessing approach. Aaron Blake wrote that yes, the assertion that Rex Tillerson and John Kelly asked her to help them save the country from Trump and she refused was important, but “The […]

Nikki Haley is now the grownup in the room

TweetI got a call this morning from E.J. Dionne in Washington, wanting to talk about Nikki Haley. I don’t know whether I said anything intelligible or not. I remember rambling about how she has held a series of jobs (including the current one) for which she was woefully unqualified, but has grown in office. Which […]

Nikki Haley needs to remember that she works for Donald Trump, who won’t back her up — especially on Russia

Tweet This is just classic. From The Washington Post: Nikki Haley finds herself under the bus as Trump shifts course on Russia The Washington Post reported late Sunday that President Trump “has battled his top aides on Russia and lost.” Less than 20 hours later, Trump has now reversed U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s announcement that the […]

How many Nikki Haleys ARE there?

Tweet Aaarrrggghhh! I’m reacting to this: Not everyone was a fan of the Grammy Awards segment where celebrities read passages of the controversial best seller “Fire and Fury.” One person especially critical on Sunday night was a member of the Trump Administration and took to Twitter to voice their displeasure. No, it wasn’t President Donald […]

Suddenly, Nikki Haley is America’s foreign policy grownup

Tweet This was in The Washington Post over the weekend: After President Trump said that deporting undocumented immigrants was “a military operation,” Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, speaking in Mexico, clarified that there would be “no use of military force in immigration operations.” After Trump, standing next to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, upended […]

Nikki Haley, ambassador to the United Nations

Tweet Late on election night, the folks on PBS (Judy Woodruff, David Brooks, Mark Shields, and others), utterly flabbergasted and in desperate search for something to say, somehow got on the subject of “Whither the Republican Party?” Or something like that. I forget exactly how they got on the topic, but they got to talking […]

CRC honors Jack Van Loan, Nikki Haley

TweetToday at our annual luncheon at the convention center, the Greater Columbia Community Relations Council (of which I am a board member) honored my good friend Jack Van Loan and our governor, Nikki Haley. Jack received the Milton Kimpson Award for a lifetime of service to his country and to this community. As you’ll recall, […]

McMaster is really standing up to Nikki Haley now

TweetYou don’t find a more dutiful soldier in the South Carolina Republican Party than Henry McMaster. Even when he went suddenly from being the most logical GOP choice for governor to losing to Tea Party upstart Nikki Haley in 2010 (basically, he was Jeb Bush to her Trump), he didn’t brood — he became her […]

The Democrats’ response to Nikki Haley giving the GOP ‘response’ — and mine to theirs

TweetThe SC Democrats put out this release today: SCDP Chair Statement on Nikki Haley Delivering GOP SOTU Response Columbia, SC –  South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Jaime Harrison issued the following statement on the announcement of Governor Nikki Haley delivering the GOP response to the President’s State of the Union. “Next Tuesday, America will see a poised […]

Reports: Nikki Haley to call for flag to come down

TweetIt’s now being reported, without attribution so far, that at a 4 p.m. press conference today, Nikki Haley will reveal that she is working on a plan to bring down the Confederate flag that flies on the State House grounds. Her office, which announced the presser, is not confirming what it’s about. If she does this, […]

The issue her opponents inexplicably leave on the table: Nikki Haley’s disregard for the rule of law

TweetI don’t suppose we should be surprised that Nikki Haley treats “lawyer” as some sort of cussword, because she’s shown time and again that she has little regard for the law itself. Cindi Scoppe detailed, in her column yesterday, the known instances in which our governor has acted as a law unto herself since taking […]

Nikki Haley’s progression from backbench bomb-thrower to Establishment figure

TweetKristin Sosanie over at the state Democratic Party resurrects this from the archives today: Well, this could be awkward. Today Nikki Haley is holding campaign events with the SC Chamber of Commerce, but take a look at how she slammed them less than four years ago: “‘The state Chamber is a big fan of bailouts […]