It’s just not hip and edgy to criticize Nikki Haley any more. What am I going to do now?

TweetI’m going to have to start sticking up for Nikki Haley. If I can possibly rationalize a way to do so. The thing is, everybody — except the people on her staff who are paid to say otherwise — is criticizing her. Especially, of course, Republicans. Just as with Mark Sanford. That makes criticizing Nikki […]

Nikki Haley doing right thing (I think) for wrong reasons

TweetThe other night, I went to a reception for new Commerce Secretary Bobby Hitt, my old shipmate at The State. Bobby was near the front door, and we exchanged pleasantries. Standing there with him and Mike Briggs from Central SC Alliance was the head guy from Amazon, whose name escapes me at the moment — […]

NYT Mag: “Nikki Haley, the governor of South Carolina, doesn’t care what you think.”

Tweet Of course, we knew that — I’ve noted it before (most recently with regard to the Darla Moore affair). But it’s interesting that any national media have noticed it, given the hagiographic coverage she usually receives outside the state. The State took note of the New York Times Magazine article several weeks back. They […]

Nikki Haley dumps Darla Moore: A plain case of old-fashioned naked patronage

TweetIt’s really hard to keep up with all the petty outrages (both “petty” and “outrageous” — yes, that seems about right) that our new young governor keeps pumping out. I’m a busy guy — working, blogging, trying to grab a little sleep at night — and sometimes find myself momentarily out of the loop. Particularly […]

The salaries Nikki Haley wants to pay seem about right

TweetDid y’all see this in The State today: Gov. Nikki Haley’s top staffers will be paid more than their Sanford-era predecessors, according to salary data released by Haley’s office Thursday. But Haley’s staff will cost taxpayers less than former Gov. Mark Sanford’s staff because it will have fewer staffers, spokesman Rob Godfrey said…. Haley’s 16-person […]

Nikki Haley’s transition team

Tweet Here’s Nikki Haley’s transition team, as she announced it today: Ambassador David Wilkins, Chairman. Ambassador David H. Wilkins is a partner at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP and chairs the Public Policy and International Law practice group. Wilkins was nominated by President George W. Bush to become the U.S. Ambassador to Canada, serving from […]

How Nikki Haley charmed me

Tweet That was my compromise headline, by the way. My first thought was “How Nikki Haley seduced me,” and boy, that would have driven my traffic up and helped me sell some ads. It would have been a perfectly fine use of figurative language. But I decided against it. I’m not THAT anxious to sell […]

“The Assassination of Nikki Haley by the Coward Will Folks”

Tweet Sound a bit over-the-top — even disturbing, with the figurative suggestion of violence? (I almost didn’t post this because of the violent metaphor — held it for several hours before posting — and might still take it down if enough of you recoil from it the way I did. But the fact that it […]

Nikki Haley’s ‘limited hangout’ (This is what she means by ‘transparency,’ when it’s applied to her)

TweetFirst, for you youngsters who’ve only been alive for five minutes or so, here’s a definition of “limited hangout.” Or perhaps we should refer to what Nikki has done as a “modified limited hangout,” the extra-special version invented by Richard Nixon and his droogs. In any case, this passage from The State‘s story today pretty […]

An “alternative” Nikki Haley? Nope. Her sister…

Tweet Twisted Sister — whose music both Nikki Haley and Sarah Palin employ as a theme, in spite of their Family Values messages — represents one kind of irony. Here’s another kind, and it also involves a sister — specifically, Nikki’s. (At least, it’s her sister unless there’s another person with the same name who […]

Just ran into Nikki Haley. She looked well…

TweetI ran into Nikki Haley at lunch today, at M Vista on Lady Street. She was there with Rob Godfrey and Tim Pearson of her campaign. I think it was the first time I’d conversed with her since that time at Starbucks on Gervais shortly after the 2008 election. That day, she had a young […]

Nikki Haley, Vincent Sheheen offer clear choice on Confederate flag

TweetThe contrast between Vincent Sheheen and Nikki Haley will be sharp on a lot of issues, and we’ll get to them over the coming months. But today, I want to highlight the difference between them on the Confederate flag flying on our State House grounds, as a window into broader differences. (And why that issue […]

Watch me tonight on SC ETV with Mark Quinn — but WITHOUT Nikki Haley

TweetJust taped a segment over at ETV with Mark Quinn for tonight’s installment of “The Big Picture.” Watch it at 7:30 p.m. on WRLK, as well as on ETV-HD. The show will also air on the radio Friday at 1 p.m. My understanding is that Gresham Barrett will be on the show as well, although […]

Nikki Haley’s husband is NOT following me

TweetTHIS JUST IN: Tim Pearson with the Nikki Haley campaign just sent me a message saying, The Michael Haley twitter account you’re quoting on your blog is not Michael Haley.  Just someone with too much time on their hands. Tim YIKES! Sorry about that. In an earlier version of this post, I had announced that […]

Nikki Haley surges ahead

TweetThe other day, a reader made the following observations about Nikki Haley here on the blog: For Haley, a bad day. The tea party simply has not caught on. Haley cannot turn the numbers out nor can she draw the bucks in (with the exception of Mark Sanford’s Club for Growth disreputably non-transparent $400k contribution)…. […]

Cindi’s column: ‘The two sides of Nikki Haley’

TweetJust thought I’d bring to your attention Cindi Scoppe’s calm, rational, even-handed take on the Nikki Haleys we have come to know — the appealing, breath-of-fresh-air neophyte lawmaker (vestiges of whom we still see today) and the demagogic ideologue seeking to carry the Mark Sanford banner into South Carolina’s future (which we see far too […]

Sarah Palin coming to SC to back Nikki Haley

TweetOK, just in case you didn’t have enough reasons to worry about Nikki Haley — the Sanford endorsement, all that Sanford cabal money buying ads in her behalf, and so forth, here’s one more for ya, courtesy of our ol’ buddy Peter Hamby: (CNN) – Sarah Palin will be in Columbia, South Carolina on Friday […]

Nikki Haley quits her day job

TweetSo now she’s going to pin it all on running for governor. Not what most people would call a wise bet. Anyway, here’s the news: COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — State Rep. Nikki Haley has quit her $110,000-a-year job at a hospital foundation in South Carolina. Lexington Medical Center board member Lyman Whitehead said Tuesday that Haley’s […]