Nikki Haley applauds House action on roll-call voting

TweetOK, well, this message, received moments ago, through me for a bit of a loop: The Haley E-Newsletter – On The Record Voting passes the House Dear Friends, We Did It!  On-the-Record Voting just passed on the floor of the South CarolinaHouse of Representatives by a vote of 115-0! Click here to read my blog which […]

Video: Ed Gomez vs. Nikki Haley

Tweet First, I apologize for the length of this video clip, but I think it gives a pretty fair glimpse of what our interviews were like with the two candidates in S.C. House District 87. You have newcomer Democrat Edgar Gomez challenging Rep. Nikki Haley. Four years ago, Nikki was the longshot going up against […]

The Kochs are backing Nikki

TweetHey, remember this mailer I wrote about back in August? It was the one from the Koch organization Americans for Prosperity Action, urging Republicans to dump Trump. Now, they’ve taken a more substantive step: They’ve made an endorsement: A conservative-leaning political action committee backed by the influential Koch network is endorsing Nikki Haley for the […]

No, seriously, Nikki: I’ve been tuning it out, too

TweetMy response this morning to a headline about Nikki Haley may have come across as mocking, or at least facetious: Me too, Nikki. I have trouble keeping the players straight: Cohen, Colson, Manafort, Magruder, Flynn, Stans… the names all run together… “Haley on the investigation into President Trump: ‘I’ve tuned it out’” — Brad Warthen […]

And Nikki had been doing so WELL lately…

Tweet First, Nikki Haley was doing pretty well as a backbench S.C. House member, to the extent that we endorsed her twice. She had a lot to learn, but she seemed fairly bright and we felt her intentions were good. Then, she ran for governor, for which she was shockingly unprepared. All I could say […]

Did y’all watch Nikki’s State of the State? Thoughts?

TweetCAVEAT: When I wrote this post I had missed something important in the governor’s speech, something that had come during the part I missed. It has bearing on the points I make in the post, and here it is. I had a Community Relations Council meeting last night, so I only heard the very last […]

Haley fires the whole Rec board

TweetRead this so early today, I forgot to mention it before… How about Nikki Haley taking decisive action on the Richland County Recreation Board? Gov. Nikki Haley is moving to fire all seven members of the Richland County Recreation Board. The rare action by Haley comes after months of lawsuits alleging sexual harassment by recreation […]

Lawmakers urge Haley to remove recreation commissioners

TweetI just received a copy of a letter the responsible majority of the Richland County Legislative Delegation just sent to Gov. Nikki Haley. It’s to follow up on what the lawmakers asked the governor to do in a meeting last week, before the hurricane. It begins: To read the entire 31-page document, click here. Obviously, […]

By going after Hayes, Haley tells us she’s not really serious about ethics at all

TweetFirst, she went after Hugh Leatherman and Luke Rankin, and I did nothing. Or nothing beyond a mention in an open thread. Now, she’s gone far too far: Gov. Nikki Haley is backing another opponent of a longtime S.C. senator. Haley is expected to endorse Republican Wes Climer, a Rock Hill financial adviser running to […]

Good for Nikki, trying to stay out of the Kulturkampf (I think)

TweetWhat the governor is saying about the Bathroom Wars is a bit oblique, and probably deliberately so: S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley said Thursday that a bill that would limit what bathrooms transgender people can choose is unnecessary because South Carolinians already are respectful to people from different backgrounds. “When we look at our situation, we’re […]

SC upside-down: Haley for Rubio, McMaster for Trump

TweetNikki Haley got off the fence today and backed Marco Rubio (and not poor ol’ Jeb!) in Saturday’s primary, which goes to show how weird and volatile the Republican Party is in South Carolina these days. Let’s step back a bit… In 2010, Henry McMaster was the perfect Establishment candidate for governor: A Reagan man […]

Thoughts about the State of the Union, Haley’s response?

Tweet Y’all, I’ve really been backed up today and having technical problems and just haven’t been able to stop with day job stuff to reflect on last night’s State of the Union, or Nikki Haley’s response. But what did y’all think? I’ll jump in there with you as I can… How nice. The networks that […]